I will have more details for you soon, but I had to tell you right away that SF-109 AND HB-125 have both passed the Senate and are on their way to Governor Gordan’s desk!

So many times our allies thought the steam was running out, that they were losing momentum to pass these bills.

And so many times I had to tell them, ‘You don’t know the members of Wyoming Gun Owners. They’re not stopping.’

And you didn’t.

Thanks to all your emails, your calls, and your commitment, these bills only need the signature of the Governor to become law.

So… one more for the road?

Send your emails now to Governor Gordan and tell him to SIGN SF-109 and HB-125 into law!

>>> Click here to send your email for SF-109 <<<

>>> Click here to send your email for HB-125 <<<

Then join the fight for freedom here in Wyoming and become a member of WYGO today!


For Wyoming,

Aaron Dorr
Policy Advisor
Wyoming Gun Owners

P.S. I want to stress again, this is WYGO member’s victory. I’ve been working the building all day today, as I have for the past 2 weeks, but I have seen no other organizations represented here today.