Here in Wyoming, there are plenty of candidates who profess their support for the Second Amendment, a fact that goes doubly true during Republican party primaries every two years.
Sometimes the candidates are telling the truth, and sometimes they are just saying what they think gun owners want to hear them say as they fight for votes.
The point is, they almost always answer.
And that’s why it is especially concerning that Senate District 26 candidate Michael Bailey is refusing to sign the WYGO candidate survey! Worse, Bailey’s staff are attacking gun owners all over the state who are asking him where he stands on guns!
Any time a candidate won’t tell us where he stands, we must always ask what that candidate is trying to hide.
Thankfully, for gun owners in the Fremont County district, there is NO QUESTION on where Representative Tim Salazar stands on the Second Amendment!
Not only has Tim Salazar surveyed 100% with WYGO, Tim Salazar has a history of fighting for the Second Amendment here in Wyoming, and he delivered Stand-Your-Ground law for gun owners in 2018!
This is the law that allows you to defend yourself against criminals in public, without having to retreat, and without having to worry about an anti-gun prosecutor trying to destroy you afterwards!
It was the largest expansion of gun rights freedom here in Wyoming since 2011, and it happened because Rep. Salazar (and our Senate sponsor, Anthony Bouchard) fought like hell for it!
If you would like to watch this ad on Facebook where almost 5,000 gun owners have already seen it — so that you can share it on your social media platforms — you can do that here.
We are hoping to make sure that every gun owner in this district sees this digital ad. We’ve locked in an initial ad buy but could greatly increase that with your help.
Digital ads on Facebook allow for unprecedented micro-targeting (by geography and personal interest) which ensures that the right people are seeing these ads in the right zip codes.
These digital ads also maximize your donor dollars by getting this message in front of gun owners at the lowest cost of any advertising media — sometimes for as little as $.02 per view!
A donation of $50, for example, can put this ad in front of 1,000 gun owners in District 26.
For $100, almost 2,500 people will find out that not only is Tim Salazar 100% pro-gun, he’s a fighter for our wonderful Second Amendment with a history of getting things done!
$250 will allow over 6,000 gun owners to see this ad, and that number will rise as they share it on their own social media platforms.
And for $500 or $1,000, you can rest assured that tens of thousands of gun owners are going to be armed with the facts before they cast a ballot in this primary!
WYGO members know all about Tim Salazar and his great work on our behalf in Cheyenne. But we need your help to make sure everyone in this district sees this ad, while there is still time.
For every time you’ve seen a pro-gun bill die in the last few years in Cheyenne, donate.
For every time you’ve worried about Wyoming’s continued slide to the left as moderates in Cheyenne work to make us the next Colorado, donate.
And for every time you’ve wondered if your children and grandchildren will enjoy the same freedoms that you and I enjoy, donate.
Whatever you do, please share this ad by forwarding this email or putting the ad on your Facebook page.
For Wyoming,

Aaron Dorr
Policy Advisor
Wyoming Gun Owners
P.S. Representative Tim Salazar is 100% pro-gun. His candidate survey proves that. And his actions in Cheyenne, passing Stand-Your-Ground law and more, prove that!
Michael Bailey? He won’t tell gun owners where he stands and is refusing to fill out the WYGO candidate survey.
That’s why Wyoming Gun Owners just released a digital ad in this race. As a member of WYGO, I wanted to make sure that you saw it right away!
To watch this on Facebook so you can share it, go here.
To watch this on YouTube, go here.