Our take on Trump’s A$$assination Attempt

To be honest, I wasn’t watching the Trump rally in Butler County Pennsylvania when it happened.

In fact, I was peacefully enjoying my zero-turn lawn mower on Saturday night and dodging my stupid poison ivy patches.

But when I stepped off the mower and picked my phone up off the grill to see the missed calls, notifications and text messages numbering well over 100, I knew something was wrong.

“Trump was just shot.”

Not gonna’ lie, my heart sank like a rock.

“Trump just grabbed his head and dropped down!”

Then I saw missed calls from friends I knew AT the rally…

We’ve had a few days to digest and process what happened since then, and I wanted to jot a few thoughts down for our members to consider.

#1) Gun control, the very idea of it, should be dead.

Putting aside every theory currently being considered about how this could happen, the fact of the matter is that, if a killer can get within a centimeter of murdering President Trump, there should be zero consideration at all for gun-control laws as a “solution” to anything.

Corrupt, compromised, inept or incompetent though it will likely turn out to be, you and I will never be able to afford the type of security this shooter circumvented.

“Secret Service,” Pennsylvania State Highway Patrol, county and local police as well as full-blown eyewitnesses were all thwarted and the shooter was able to nearly murder President Trump, murder a Pennsylvania hero, and wound several others before the shooter was taken out.

That’s what killer criminals do… they bypass laws and commit acts of evil.

#2) What they did to President Trump is exactly what they would do to anyone who opposes their takeover attempts on America.

It only took a few minutes after Trump’s assassination attempt for Twitter and social media to erupt with outright support for whoever the shooter was, and expressions of regret that he had missed his intended target to appear.

It took even less time for Shannon Watts, David Hogg and all of the gun-control organizations to try to use it to spin up support for passing more gun-control.

#3) We came two centimeters away from living in a world you and I cannot even comprehend.

Everyone saw how the Left reacted to a drugged-up, girlfriend-beating felon passing away in 2020 – they took to the streets, started burning down private property by the city block, and started a whole movement to defund the police and implement chaos around the nation.

I surely don’t know how the world would have reacted if the Radical Left had succeeded in murdering the Republican nominee for President, but I don’t think it would’ve been pretty.

#4) America is on the brink.

I don’t know about you, but to say that we’re living in a tinderbox doesn’t sound that far-fetched anymore.

Everyone is on edge. The economy is in shambles. Many cannot afford gas and food for their daily lives. Government tyranny is skyrocketing. They tried to murder Trump, and the Left proved again, like they’ve done before, they they’re willing to murder people for politically opposing them.

#5) Their actions are causing this.

They called him a tyrant. They called him as well as people like you the “greatest threat to democracy.” Biden said “we need to put a bullseye on him.”

So one of them did.

#6) It’s never been more important to keep our guns in our own hands.

America-changing events can happen in the blink of an eye. I’ve been alive for several.

As we have seen time and time again, the Left never wastes a moment in trying to leverage crises moments into opportunities to grab power.

Murdering Trump could have been one of those moments that turns America into a landscape we cannot even comprehend.

But tyrants, killers, violent criminals and their pals in the Radicalized Left can go only so far while people like you can line up with AR15’s in our hands and tell the bastards…


My friend and colleague, Patrick Parsons, who runs the day-to-day operations at the American Firearms Association, said this:

The course of history can change on a dime, but the course of our American history, rooted in the ability to defend ourselves with firearms against a tyrannical government, cannot change.

I cannot more heartily agree with his statement.

That’s why Wyoming Gun Owners will never back down, never retreat, and never surrender.

If they want to make outlaws out of all of us or do to us what they nearly did to Trump, they’ll have to come and take them.

This is our country, our forefathers built it. The Left didn’t build a dang thing, so we’ll be damned if we let these Marxist parasites destroy our America.

Stand Free,

Aaron Dorr
Policy Advisor
Wyoming Gun Owners

P.S. We’ll have an email about Trump’s VP pick coming out shortly!

P.P.S. Consider chipping in and supporting our work here with a financial donation.