URGENT: Assault Weapons Ban Vote Coming This Week!

This is an urgent alert — please don’t lay this aside!

Late last night NY Senator Chuck Schumer announced he is bringing S. 25 (the ‘assault weapons ban’) to the Senate floor for a roll call vote THIS WEEK!

But the ‘assault weapons’ ban isn’t the only bill coming to the floor this week. Schumer is also bringing up:

— National Gun Registration (S. 494)

— Deadly ‘Safe Storage’ requirements (S. 173)

This is no drill.

And given the outright betrayal gun owners experienced at the hands of Senate Republicans last year, we can’t take anything for granted!

Please do three things immediately:

Sign your petition against the AR-15 ban! Go here: https://www.wyominggunowners.org/action/awb-pet/

Call Senators Barrasso and Lummis via the Capitol Hill Switchboard number which is: 202-224-3121

Make a donation of $17.76, $25, $50 or even $100 to make sure we can run ads mobilizing as many gun owners as possible before it’s too late.


We’ve stopped the ‘assault weapons ban’ before. But this pressure is not going away. In fact, it’s only increasing.

So please take action TODAY!

For Wyoming,

Aaron Dorr
Policy Advisor
Wyoming Gun Owners