Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito

When the United States Supreme Court overturned the ATF’s bump stock rule, the Radical Left began foaming at the mouth again.

The Left hates anyone who still believes in the Constitution and fights for the rule of law.

But in the case of Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, that hatred has hit a fevered pitch with dozens of media outlets and Commies in Congress demanding that these two justices resign!

Thankfully, neither the media, nor the White House, nor individual members of Congress can impeach a Supreme Court justice. That takes a 2/3rd vote in the Senate.

The problem is that Biden doesn’t need to impeach Thomas.

And he doesn’t need to impeach Alito.

All Biden and the left need to do is dilute their voting power on the bench by adding more Justices and we’d have a radicalized Leftist Supreme Court for generations!

This is exactly what the Left is doing to American voters: diluting our votes by flooding our nation with over 10,000,000 illegals and then rushing to give them voting rights.

Now Biden is trying to do the same thing to the United States Supreme Court by filing legislation to pack four more justices onto the bench — giving the Left a 7-6 majority!


This legislation (H.R. 3422/S. 1616) is designed to give the left the votes to obliterate the Second Amendment.

At a minimum a reconstituted Supreme Court would be able to:

  • Undo 2022’s Bruen decision, allowing the states to deny carry permit applications for any reason they want and allowing judges to reinstate ‘means-end scrutiny.’
  • Uphold the constitutionality of ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures.’ The Supreme Court hasn’t ruled on this yet. But it’s only a matter of time. Losing this case would be a disaster.
  • Allow states to ban so-called ‘assault weapons.’ With a dozen states having these laws on the books in violation of the Bruen decision, this case will go to the Supreme Court.

And honestly, this is just the beginning.

If the Left seizes the Supreme Court, they won’t hold back.

We would eventually see decisions on whether or not the Second Amendment is a personal right vs a collective right (an attempt to undo 2008’s Heller decision.)

OPPOSE H.R. 3422/S. 1616!

And while we focus on the Second Amendment, a rogue Supreme Court would destroy everything else that we love about America.

From our national defense to religious freedom, and from medical autonomy to issues related to the economy, a Biden-packed Supreme Court would be empowered to destroy our country!

That’s why you need to hammer on the red buttons in this email and make sure your Congressman and Senators know you oppose this — because support for this bill is growing!

Americans are already experiencing the weaponization of the federal government and its agencies against political opponents.

We’re already seeing the justice system implode, convicting Trump of 34 ‘felony crimes’ in a desperate attempt to salvage Joe Bidens’ reelection chances.

If the Left can seize control of the Supreme Court as well… then our nation would be in very grave danger.

Fight back; sign your petition immediately!


Gun owners in ‘red states’ need to sign this, because the GOP is weaker than ever in D.C. these days, with RINOs openly supporting gun control.

Gun owners in ‘blue states’ need to sign this, too, because many Democrats are scared of the ramifications of expanding the court and how that would hurt them at election time.

The demands for packing the Supreme Court are getting louder and louder.

Please don’t lay this email aside.

Please sign your petition and then chip in $17.76 or more to help us fight back!

For Wyoming,

Aaron Dorr
Policy Advisor
Wyoming Gun Owners