🚨🚨 Attention Gun Owners in Campbell County!

“Who the heck do I vote for in the August 20th primary?”

Man alive, we are asked this question every 15 minutes in our office this time of year.

And the fact is, we can’t tell you. As a 501(c)4 non-for profit, Wyoming Gun Owners can’t endorse or oppose candidates.

That’s not our job.

What we can do — what we love to do — is give you the FACTS that so many candidates are desperately trying to hide from gun owners.

Today’s email features the race between Troy McKeown and Philip Christopherson, who are running in the Gillette area of Wyoming’s Senate District 24.

You see, here at WYGO, we ‘keep the receipts’ of what happens in Cheyenne. Now we are revealing all the nitty gritty details about these candidates, so you can make an informed decision!

For each of these candidates, my team and I have sorted through:

  • Previous voting records.
  • Previous bills sponsored or co-sponsored.
  • Public comments made on gun rights.
  • Actions take in office for or against the 2nd
  • And of course, the results of our Candidate Survey Program.

To watch our deep dive on the race in Senate District 24, watch our video analysis here!

(To watch and share this video on Twitter, GO HERE.)
(To watch and share this video on Facebook, GO HERE.)

Now that you have the facts, I hope you’ll do two things immediately.

First, share this video on your social media platforms to help us get the word out to more gun owners.

Second, please make a generous donation so that Wyoming Gun Owners can get this information into the hands of as many gun owners as possible before the August 20th primary!


The fight for our precious Second Amendment has never been hotter here in Wyoming! The liberal left has teamed up with the RINOs in Cheyenne and they are determined to hammer away at our gun rights until we’re the next Colorado or Illinois.

This is our chance to fight back!

WYGO is spending heavily right now on digital ads, direct mail, state of the art texting programs and more, trying to inform gun owners in dozens of targeted districts on where their candidates stand.

Please consider an immediate and generous donation to help us continue to fight for you! Whether you can give $500, $250, $100, $50, $35, or even just $10, I hope you’ll do so immediately!

For Wyoming,

Aaron Dorr
Policy Advisor
Wyoming Gun Owners

PS. WYGO has spent weeks compiling all the information you need to make informed decisions in competitive races across the state in advance of the August 20th primary!

To get our comprehensive video analysis on key legislature races across Wyoming, click below.