Whereas: Senate File 12 creates a new ‘Permanent Protective Order’ that is issued by judges through civil court proceedings where there are no criminal charges filed, let alone the requirement for someone to be found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt; and
Whereas: These civil proceedings are usually just a he-said, she-said situation. Without due process and any requirement to be convicted of a crime they are wildly abused; and
Whereas: This new ‘Permanent Protective Order’ would allow judges to issue a LIFETIME GUN BAN during these civil hearings, even though criminal charges were never filed by law enforcement; and
Whereas: Senate File 7 extends our current 3-day protective order to a 10-day order, which includes secret ex-parte hearings that gun owners don’t know about and cannot even attend!
Therefore: As a gun owner and a voter in Wyoming, I insist that you ‘VOTE NO’ on SF-7 and SF-12 during the 2025 session. I will be watching your vote closely, with help from WYGO!