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Tell Gov Gordon to Sign HB-172!

HB-172 has passed both chambers of the legislature and is headed for Governor Gordon’s desk! If Governor Gordon signs HB-172 into law, gun owners with a concealed carry permit would be able to carry in:

— Governmental meetings;

— The State Capitol;

— All Secondary schools, UW, and UW events that do not sell alcohol

In addition, there are penalties attached to this bill, ensuring that if a local government agency tried to ignore this law, they could be held accountable!

While this bill only applies to gun owners with a permit, it’s a critical first step to updating this law later on to include all law-abiding gun owners in Wyoming.

With the help of WYGO members, this bill has passed both the House and the Senate, now all that’s left is for Governor Gordon to sign it! But Gordon is receiving tremendous pressure from Bloomberg, the teacher’s unions, and the Wyoming Association of Municipalities to veto this bill!

Fight back! Send this PRE-WRITTEN EMAIL to Governor Gordon, telling him to SIGN HB-172 INTO LAW!

Once you’ve done that, take the next step and become a member of Wyoming Gun Owners so that we can keep fighting for you in Cheyenne and in D.C.! Get involved at!