Renew Your Support in WYGO for 2018 Today!

The kickoff to the 2018 legislative session will be here before we know it, and it promises to be a crucial one for our Second Amendment rights.

Emboldened by the recent horror in Las Vegas, BILLIONAIRES Michael Bloomberg and George Soros are convinced that the political winds will be blowing their way in 2018.

And after Governor Matt Mead’s inexplicable veto of the Wyoming “Gun Free Zone” Repeal Bill during the last session of our State Legislature, they believe Wyoming is ripe for a takeover.

You see, Governor Mead’s veto effectively sent the message out that Wyoming’s support for Second Amendment freedoms is waning!

So it was like rolling out the red carpet for national anti-gun groups to start targeting Wyoming.

That’s why with key legislative battles approaching, the Governor’s Mansion up for grabs, and many key State House and Senate races likely to come down to the wire as well — I’m counting on your IMMEDIATE action.

As you’ll see below, I’ve made it easy for you to renew your membership in Wyoming Gun Owners, something that I hope you’ll do right away. More on that below.

Ever since the recent murders in Las Vegas, the media has been busy predicting the 2018 elections are all but “in the bag” for the gun-grabbers!

Their hope is that national political winds will blow Wyoming into their arms and turn our state into the “next Colorado.”

So I need all hands on deck!

With your help, Wyoming Gun Owners is planning to turn the tables on them in 2018 by launching an all-out mobilization campaign in support of Stand-Your-Ground!

As you may know, Wyoming is the ONLY state in the mainland U.S. that’s west of Texas and the Dakotas that doesn’t have Stand-Your-Ground on the books either through legislation or court precedent.

California, Oregon and Washington State all have this law on the books already!

If passed, the Wyoming Stand-Your-Ground Bill would simply state that law-abiding Wyoming gun owners can defend themselves against criminal attack without fear of being targeted by an anti-gun prosecutor.

Under Stand-Your-Ground, law-abiding gun owners would:

1)  Face no so-called “duty to retreat.” Under current Wyoming law, you are required to try to get away from a criminal attacker before being able to legally use self-defense to protect yourself.

In a situation where your life is on the line, the LAST thing you want to be thinking about is what some anti-gun judge or prosecutor might say;

2)  Receive criminal immunity from anti-gun prosecutors. In other words, no more anti-gun prosecutors trying to make an example of you — or taking a case to court to make a political statement;

3)  Receive civil immunity. That means the money  grubbing family of some thug you had to defend yourself against can’t come after you in court and sue you for millions!

I don’t know about you, but I believe the law should put the interests of law-abiding Wyoming citizens ahead of common thugs and criminals.

So do a vast majority of Wyoming citizens, which is why forcing a vote on Stand-Your-Ground is so critical.

Even if weak-kneed anti-gun members of our State Legislature vote to KILL Stand-Your-Ground, you and I will still be in the driver’s seat.

Those anti-gun state legislators will find there’s a tremendous price to pay for voting against our gun rights at the ballot box!

With Michael Bloomberg and his anti-gun pals ready to jump into Wyoming with both feet after Las Vegas, this program has never been more critical.

With your help, I’m going to pull out all the stops by:

>>>  Generating 50,000 petitions from all over Wyoming insisting the State Legislature pass Stand-Your-Ground;

>>>  Using email, social media and Internet ads to mobilize an additional 15,000 Wyoming gun owners from all over the state;

>>>  Working the blogs and granting media interviews to explain exactly why Stand-Your-Ground would make Wyoming freer and safer;

>>>  Paying for hard-hitting radio, newspaper and even TV ads to ensure politicians are feeling the most heat right before they’re forced to vote.

Then, regardless of how the vote goes, we’ll make sure EVERY Wyoming Second Amendment supporter knows exactly where their candidates for Governor, State House and Senate stand.

But we need your help to pull this off, so please renew your membership in Wyoming Gun Owners for 2018 right away

Those politicians in BOTH parties who choose Michael Bloomberg over the citizens of Wyoming won’t be able to hide.

After all, in a state like Wyoming where Democrats rarely rack up many wins, those with political ambitions will virtually always run as Republicans — even if they viscerally HATE the Second Amendment.

This roll-call vote is their worst nightmare.

Once they’re exposed, Wyoming Gun Owners will plaster their anti-gun records all over the state with hard-hitting U.S. Mail, email, social media posts and hard-hitting Internet and TV ads.

Needless to say, such a massive Candidate Survey program during both the 2018 Primary and General Elections won’t be cheap.

But it’s what it will take to stand up to Bloomberg and the rest of the gun-grabbers who are salivating about gaining another foothold in a western state to go along with neighboring Colorado.

So as you renew your membership for 2018, I hope you’ll agree to stretch and give more than you’ve done in the past.

After all, you’re a critical part of Wyoming Gun Owners’ winning team.

So please, when you renew your membership in Wyoming Gun Owners, consider “digging deep” and giving even $100 if you can.

I know that’s probably a stretch. But we have so much on our plates in 2018.

If course, as always, the amount you choose is up to you.

But I hope you will agree to $100 if possible, or at least $50 or even $35 if you can. Your support will make all the difference in the critical year ahead.

For Freedom,

David Ball

P.S. 2018 is going to be a critical year with battles over Stand-Your-Ground and out-of-state gun-grabbers jumping into Wyoming with both feet in hopes of turning our state into the “next Colorado.”

That’s why I’m counting on you to please be as generous as possible when you renew your membership in Wyoming Gun Owners for 2018.

With so much at stake, please act at once!