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Wyoming RINOs passed a fake SAPA law in 2022 that provided no protection to gun owners, but provided plenty of political cover for desperate politicians who were trying to survive their primaries at the time.

Wyoming’s SAPA law has no real penalties.

Wyoming’s SAPA law has a total carve out for federal task forces.

Wyoming’s SAPA law doesn’t put any meaningful limits on what our cops can do.

It’s time to fix that, to upgrade Wyoming’s SAPA law to SF-196, to make sure that when the next Democrat gets into the White House, he can’t use Wyoming cops to enforce federal gun control. And with Trump in office, now is the time to do this.

That’s because Trump’s DOJ won’t sue Wyoming to block it, which would give us years of legal precedent!

Now that this bill has passed the Senate, send this PRE-WRITTEN EMAIL to your State Representative, urging him/her to cosponsor, publicly support, and vote for the Second Amendment Preservation Act (SF-196)!

Once you’ve done that, take the next step and become a member of Wyoming Gun Owners so that we can keep fighting for you in Cheyenne and in D.C.! Get involved at!