You’ve got two days! Our legislation to repeal deadly “Gun Free Zones” and to authorize “Campus Carry” are going to be heard in the House Judiciary Committee THIS TUESDAY! This means that you’ve got only a few days to contact the members of the Judiciary Committee...
Things are happening fast in Cheyenne. Working with Representative Bo Biteman, we’ve introduced HB137 to repeal Wyoming’s deadly “Gun Free Zones” policy in all government buildings! Has your representative co-sponsored this legislation? We need them to stand with us...
Representative John Eklund is at it again! Long known for being anything but a friend to gun owners, Eklund is about to file legislation that is nothing short of a “Trojan Horse” in Cheyenne. And I’m afraid that unless you and I take quick action, it’s going to siphon...
Since passing Constitutional Carry in 2011, politicians in BOTH parties in Wyoming have had one simple message for gun owners:“GO AWAY!”In fact, anti-gun members of BOTH parties — with the help of weak-kneed sellouts in legislative leadership — have...
Let me start by saying thank you! The Wyoming legislature has only been in session for two days and already they are very aware that Wyoming Gun Owners is watching closely.Because of the early support from you and fellow Wyoming gun owners, legislators are already...