Dear Gun Rights Supporter, With all the chatter from the rabid gun control politicians about a new weapons ban, a high capacity magazine ban and a national registration scheme… Now add gun-hating bureaucrats right here in Wyoming…the constant threats to...
Earlier this year with your help we defeated state legislation that would have expanded gun free zones, or better called — victim disarmament zones — in all County buildings around the state. But, as we know all too well, the gun-grabbers never sleep! Like...
The U.N. push to ban firearms may be on our doorstep. And this is only the tip of the spear — the U.N. objective is full control over your freedom! The recent questioning of Leon Panetta reveals that the elected representatives in congress have freely given U.S....
While you and I were busy fighting an expansion of gun-free zones here in Wyoming, the folks in Washington D.C. were moving to enact new gun control on a unsuspecting public. Sadly Representative Cynthia Lummis voted YES on a measure that criminalizes someone that is...
Gun Control bill sponsor says that the NRA drafted and supported his gun control scheme. In one of the most egregious “sneak-attacks” on your gun rights, HB-70 bill sponsors Representative Jonathan Botten (R-Sheridan) and Senator Drew Perkins (R-Natrona)...