In an interview on Glenn Woods radio show (AM1270 in Gillette) Representative Tom Lubnau (R-Gillette) stated that HB-60 preemption reform legislation was a “crazy gun bill”. Of course Lubnau says he didn’t shoot down the bill –Reality Check– the bill...
Vying for your vote in the field of “Republicans” are candidates with a documented history of supporting gun control schemes backed by the Brady campaign against guns. And like usual the tough gun rights questions aren’t being asked of the...
There will always be politicians who persistently work to eliminate your rights. So it should come as no surprise that the Gun Control Cabal in Casper city government is at it again. Within days of pushing and implementing a gun ban at city hall the Casper council has...
This email was used by permission from one of our members. It reveals the thought process or better “lack of rational thought process” of an anti-gun politician. Make sure you read the reply from Jim to Vice Mayor Schlager. Also note that Casper’s...
Email Alert — 12/08/11 On Tuesday night the Casper city council voted 5 to 4 in favor of a gun ban at city hall. That’s the bad news. The good news is… Thanks to your phone calls and emails we picked up another “no vote”. But the hard...