Biden Unhinged: Announces Gun Control via Executive Orders!

Biden Unhinged: Announces Gun Control via Executive Orders!

Late yesterday, Joe Biden delivered a 30-minute-long rage fest in the Rose Garden, lashing out at gun owners who have blocked his gun control agenda in the United States Senate. As he concluded, Biden announced a MASSIVE LIST of new gun control agenda items that he is...
United Nations Meeting to Ban Small Arms Next Week!

United Nations Meeting to Ban Small Arms Next Week!

This is happening fast. Next week a committee of the United Nations — a globalist cabal of international gun-grabbers who want to destroy America — are meeting in Europe to continue working on the Small Arms Treaty! When President Trump was in the White...
Video: Barrasso and Lummis Need to Oppose Dettelbach for ATF!

Video: Barrasso and Lummis Need to Oppose Dettelbach for ATF!

As we told you last week, Joe Biden is expected to nominate another raging gun grabber — Steve Dettelbach — to be the new director of the ATF at any moment! Of course, Biden tried this last year, with David Chipman. But gun owners flooded the United States...
Biden’s New ATF Nominee: Worse than David Chipman!

Biden’s New ATF Nominee: Worse than David Chipman!

Last year, gun owners across America stood up and rejected David Chipman’s nomination to run the scandal-ridden ATF because he was a power-hungry maniac who wanted to throw us all in prison. Now, we’re going to have to do it again. According to several sources,...
United Nations Meeting to Ban Small Arms Next Week!

Biden and the U.N. Small Arms Treaty!

If you thought that Joe Biden’s plummeting poll numbers meant that he has given up on trying to attack your gun rights — that his team was calling it quits — I have some bad news for you. Joe Biden’s State Department just returned from a trip to Europe...