Video Update: Biden’s H.R. 2870 is a Middle Finger to WY Veterans!

📢📢 Must Watch Video: WYGO’s Push to Ban Red Flags!

With the legislature about to convene for the 2024 legislative session, things are heating up here in Cheyenne. And with Joe Biden already sending money to Wyoming in hopes the legislature will use that to pass ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures’ it’s never been more important...
Co-Sponsors Growing Fast for Gun Control Mega Bill!

Co-Sponsors Growing Fast for Gun Control Mega Bill!

Right before Christmas, I warned you about a massive new gun control bill filed in both chambers of Congress. Called the ‘Gun Control Mega Bill’ by insiders in D.C., this is perhaps the biggest gun control bill ever filed in Congress. The lead sponsor of S. 3407 in...
Watch: Aaron Dorr Interviews Vivek Ramaswamy!

Watch: Aaron Dorr Interviews Vivek Ramaswamy!

If you have watched any of the GOP debates this year, you know that political newcomer Vivek Ramaswamy has been shredding RINOs on the debate stage. But many of you have questions about Vivek. I did, too. Where does he think our gun rights came from? Would he sign...
White House: “states must lead the way on gun control.”

White House: “states must lead the way on gun control.”

When gun owners like you and me think about gun control, images of Joe Biden, Obama or even Dianne Feinstein come to mind. In other words, a lot of gun owners tend to think of gun-control as a federal issue, and that way of thinking isn’t totally wrong. After all,...
Video Update: Biden’s H.R. 2870 is a Middle Finger to WY Veterans!

URGENT: Assault Weapons Ban Vote Coming This Week!

This is an urgent alert — please don’t lay this aside! Late last night NY Senator Chuck Schumer announced he is bringing S. 25 (the ‘assault weapons ban’) to the Senate floor for a roll call vote THIS WEEK! But the ‘assault weapons’ ban isn’t the only bill...