Wyoming: H.R. 2392 Would Get Innocent People Killed!

Wyoming: H.R. 2392 Would Get Innocent People Killed!

While Joe Biden is desperately trying to ban and confiscate AR-15s and pass a national gun registry into law, his team is actively working on their Plan B ‘just in case.’ Biden’s handlers want a win to trot out before Biden runs for re-election in 2024…and they...
We need to talk about this…

We need to talk about this…

No one is surprised when AOC co-sponsors a gun control bill. The young Democrats in D.C. these days are truly demented, hell-bent on disarming gun owners and destroying America. So when fifty Democrats signed on H.R. 715 in its early days, that wasn’t a surprise. But...
🚨 🚨 Help Us Drag Joe Biden into Court (Pistol Brace Update!)

🚨 🚨 Help Us Drag Joe Biden into Court (Pistol Brace Update!)

Wyoming Gun Owners will be dragging Joe Biden and the ATF into court as soon as we can — and I hope you’ll help us do it! Thanks to non-stop grassroots pressure from gun owners like you, almost every single gun control bill Biden has pushed in Congress has been...
Update: See Who Has Co-Sponsored Stand-Your-Ground in Congress!

Update: See Who Has Co-Sponsored Stand-Your-Ground in Congress!

Support for the Stand-Your-Ground law filed by Congressman Matt Gaetz and Senator Markwayne Mullins (H.R. 3142/S. 1445) is growing in Congress! In just the last few days, pro-gun champions like Paul Gosar (R-AZ), Andy Biggs (R-AZ), Eric Burlison (R-MO), Mary Miller...
Danger: Biden Now Has 195 Co-Sponsors on H.R. 715!

Danger: Biden Now Has 195 Co-Sponsors on H.R. 715!

I don’t know about you, but I’m sick of this.  Every time some criminal shoots up a school or office complex, Biden and his team use the blood of innocent victims to ramp up the pressure for their gun control agenda. The Left should apologize for removing God from our...