Congressman Matt Gaetz’s Stand-Your-Ground Law!

Congressman Matt Gaetz’s Stand-Your-Ground Law!

I’ve got an important update from D.C., and I need you to take action fast if we’re going to block the onslaught of gun control from the White House. As you heard from us last week, our national affiliate, the American Firearms Association, has been working with...
Act Now: Biden ‘All In’ on UN Small Arms Treaty!

Act Now: Biden ‘All In’ on UN Small Arms Treaty!

Last year gun owners here in Wyoming sent a message when we threw Liz Cheyney out of office by a massive margin. But, at the national level, the election results were a mixed bag.     The good news is that gun owners took back the House and fired Nancy Pelosi as...
Breaking: National Stand-Your-Ground Law Filed in D.C.!

Breaking: National Stand-Your-Ground Law Filed in D.C.!

The war is on to repeal Stand-Your-Ground law in state legislatures all over the country, including here in Wyoming! The White House, Congressional Democrats, the media, and their allies here in Cheyenne think that in the wake of recent mass shootings, you and I are...
Video: Kamala Harris Wants to Overturn Stand-Your-Ground Law!

Video: Kamala Harris Wants to Overturn Stand-Your-Ground Law!

Violent crime is surging out of control, especially in Democratic-run cities where liberal prosecutors won’t put criminals in prison. Now, more than ever, law-abiding citizens need the ability to defend themselves, especially when we’re out in public. Of course, our...
Wyoming: H.R. 2392 Would Get Innocent People Killed!

Wyoming: H.R. 2392 Would Get Innocent People Killed!

While Joe Biden is desperately trying to ban and confiscate AR-15s and pass a national gun registry into law, his team is actively working on their Plan B ‘just in case.’ Biden’s handlers want a win to trot out before Biden runs for re-election in 2024…and they...
VIDEO: ATF Hearing on Pistol Braces Happening NOW!

VIDEO: ATF Hearing on Pistol Braces Happening NOW!

As we speak, I’m on the ground in DC with our national affiliate team at the American Firearms Association for the ATF/Dettelbach hearings on the Pistol Brace Ruling and it’s all taking place NOW! To watch the video live, CLICK HERE or on the image below! Our...