In the last few days, Joe Biden’s ‘assault weapons ban’ has picked up a flurry of additional cosponsors. In fact, H.R. 698 now has an astounding 204 members supporting it! If they get to 218, Biden can ram the bill through the House. While Congressional Democrats are...
The GOP convention in Wisconsin is still fifteen months away but the battle between Pres. Trump and Gov. DeSantis is already white hot — and DeSantis isn’t even officially running yet! For gun owners, the stakes could not be higher. Between his Executive...
Since a liberal, Federal court judge in Missouri recently struck down Missouri’s Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA), WYGO has been receiving questions from gun owners. That obvious question is whether or not this decision will have an impact on the “SAPA...
What if I told you that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has yet to bring a Second Amendment bill for a vote on the floor of the House? Or that he supported the “bump stock” ban and Dianne Feinstein’s “FIX NICS” database expansion? ALL these things are true. Quite...
What if I told you that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has yet to bring a Second Amendment bill for a vote on the floor of the House? Or that he supported the “bump stock” ban and Dianne Feinstein’s “FIX NICS” database expansion? ALL these things are true. Quite...
While Wyoming Gun Owners is finishing off the 2023 session and working to win a major victory in the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, the gun rights battle is raging in Congress, too. Biden’s allies are filing gun control bills left and right, trying to ban AR-15s,...