We have BREAKING NEWS and it’s not good. For the first time in almost 30 years, the United State Congress will be holding hearings (next Wednesday) and a full blown HOUSE VOTE to BAN over 200 different rifles, shotguns and pistols, including our AR-15s! We’re teaming...
In a huge White House lawn press conference yesterday afternoon, Joe Biden raged about Americans who own AR-15s and vowed to ban every single one of them while he has the votes in Congress! While bragging about the massive ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ funding bill he just...
A total ban on all AR-15-style firearms is the next big push from Democrats and RINOs in Washington and the fight is now. Completely ignoring the failed gun control laws of Chicago, Kamala Harris joined a growing list of Leftist politicians and media outlets and...
On this day, 246 years ago, our nation adopted the Declaration of Independence, telling the world that America was no longer a puppet of England, but a sovereign nation! During the run-up to the 4th of July, private individuals and loose affiliations of people began...
As we get ready to celebrate the 4th of July and the freedoms that our country was founded on, many gun owners are taking stock of what’s happened over the last few weeks. We’ve dealt with federal gun control, betrayal from our supposed ‘allies,’ a massive win in the...
Nancy Pelosi knows she’s likely months away from losing control of Congress. That’s why, after just passing the biggest expansion of gun control in the last 30 years, Pelosi is going for it all with passage of an “Assault Weapons Ban” bill that will OUTLAW over 200...