‘Budget Sessions’ always go fast in Cheyenne. But this year things are moving at warp speed. In fact, the regular 2024 legislative session will come to an end this week! Here’s a brief recap of where we are on SF-109. This bill would ban ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures’ here...
I know that we’ve emailed you a lot recently. But with session ending in less than a week, there is no time to waste. So please read this email and take immediate action to make sure that SF-109 doesn’t die in the House! Here’s where things stand. Last Tuesday, the...
Earlier this afternoon, SF-109 passed the House Travel Committee by a vote of 8-1! Even better, because of your calls, the committee resisted the harmful amendments that were offered up! The bill is now eligible for floor debate. (WYGO’s Aaron Dorr at left, with...
All gun control laws are an attack on freedom, but some bills just seem to attack those freedoms (and law-abiding gun owners like you and me) a little more than others. That’s the case with H.R. 2870. This latest attack out of the Biden White House deliberately...
It’s go time in the fight for freedom! The 2024 legislative session kicked off here in Cheyenne this morning, and with it, our fight to defend and expand the Second Amendment is going into high gear! Gun owners have accomplished a lot over the last few years, but...
With the legislature about to convene for the 2024 legislative session, things are heating up here in Cheyenne. And with Joe Biden already sending money to Wyoming in hopes the legislature will use that to pass ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures’ it’s never been more important...