Biden Unhinged: Announces Gun Control via Executive Orders!

Biden Unhinged: Announces Gun Control via Executive Orders!

Late yesterday, Joe Biden delivered a 30-minute-long rage fest in the Rose Garden, lashing out at gun owners who have blocked his gun control agenda in the United States Senate. As he concluded, Biden announced a MASSIVE LIST of new gun control agenda items that he is...
Horrific SAPA Compromise Filed in Cheyenne!

Horrific SAPA Compromise Filed in Cheyenne!

Moments ago, anti-gun, RINO traitor Larry Hicks introduced a HORRIFIC compromised version of the Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA) in Cheyenne! This legislation completely destroys the whole premise of true SAPA, which is founded on state sovereignty and the...
The 2022 Legislative Session is Underway: Take Action!

The 2022 Legislative Session is Underway: Take Action!

The 2022 session of the Wyoming Legislature has officially kicked off here in Cheyenne, and with this being an election year, EVERYTHING IS ON THE LINE! As always, Wyoming Gun Owners will be leading the fight in the legislature to defend and expand your right to keep...
Feinstein/Ernst Days Away from Unveiling Massive Gun Control Bill?

Feinstein/Ernst Days Away from Unveiling Massive Gun Control Bill?

Gun owners fought hard to crush Joe Biden’s war on gun owners in 2021. And with the midterm elections less than a year away, some gun owners were starting to believe that we may be able to hold the line on the Second Amendment through the midterms. But that was BEFORE...
Sign Your Petition: National Stand-Your-Ground Law!

Sign Your Petition: National Stand-Your-Ground Law!

While Wyoming Gun Owners is fighting like hell to pass SAPA legislation in Cheyenne, our national affiliate, the American Firearms Association, is doing everything they can to advance Stand-Your-Ground law in D.C.! With Biden’s war on guns in Congress collapsing, the...
The 2022 Legislative Session is Underway: Take Action!

Will Your State Representative Co-Sponsor SAPA in Cheyenne?

In just a few weeks, law-abiding gun owners across Wyoming are going to be faced with an impossible choice: do we turn over our pistol braces and register any firearms made from 80% lower receivers — or do we risk felony charges?  This isn’t a drill, and it’s...