Must Watch: National Groups Are Bungling the Fight for SAPA Already!

Must Watch: National Groups Are Bungling the Fight for SAPA Already!

Session begins in just over two weeks, and Wyoming Gun Owners will be out in front, leading the fight for the Second Amendment Preservation Act or SAPA. As you’ll remember, SAPA legislation would effectively stop Biden’s war on gun owners here in Wyoming by asserting...
Has Your Congressman Co-Sponsored National Stand-Your-Ground Law?

Has Your Congressman Co-Sponsored National Stand-Your-Ground Law?

While Biden’s handlers are doing everything they can to crush our God-given right to keep and bear arms in Congress, leftist prosecutors are doing the same thing all over America. So while mobs of violent thugs shot, robbed, looted, and burned their way all over...
New Federal Gun Control Bill Opens the Floodgates!

New Federal Gun Control Bill Opens the Floodgates!

In just a few days, Senators Dianne Feinstein and Dick Durbin are expected to unveil a massive new gun control bill in the Senate, deceivingly named the ‘Violence Against Women Act’ (VAWA.) But they won’t be doing this alone. Feinstein and Durbin have convinced...
Video Update on National Stand-Your-Ground Law!

Video Update on National Stand-Your-Ground Law!

Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-Florida) has just filed Stand-Your-Ground law in the United States Congress, and now he needs our help! Everyone remembers the 2020 ‘Summer of Violence,’ as violent mobs rioted, looted, burned, and shot their way across America, only to get a...
Send This Email to John Barrasso and Cynthia Lummis Today!

Send This Email to John Barrasso and Cynthia Lummis Today!

We’re just days away from the end of 2021, but the fights over our Second Amendment freedoms are already getting WHITE HOT for 2022 — and that’s why I am writing you today! As we told you just before Christmas, gnarled-handed tyrants Dianne Feinstein and Dick...