The Second Amendment Preservation Act

The Second Amendment Preservation Act

In just a couple of months, Wyoming troopers, deputies, and municipal police officers may be tasked with enforcing the first wave of gun control coming out of the Biden White House. The ATF’s proposed regulatory changes on how they classify pistol braces and ‘80%...
Urgent: Biden Pushing America Into U.N. Small Arms Treaty!

Urgent: Biden Pushing America Into U.N. Small Arms Treaty!

If you thought that Joe Biden was no longer a threat — that his disastrous handling of Afghanistan would make him take a step back and question his sanity — I have some bad news for you. Joe Biden’s State Department just returned from a trip to Europe...
Remembering September 11

Remembering September 11

It was the deadliest terror attack in world history, and it happened right here on our shores. Do you remember where you were? I remember where I was, and exactly what I was doing 20 years ago today. As we Americans pause today to memorialize the tragedy of September...
Wyoming State Senator Larry Hicks

Wyoming State Senator Larry Hicks

While Missouri and other states took action this year and passed the Second Amendment Preservation Act, ensuring that federal gun control laws would not be enforced in these states, Wyoming did not. On the contrary, WYGO’s SAPA legislation was destroyed by a cabal of...
The Second Amendment Preservation Act

The Second Amendment Preservation Act

In 2018, Wyoming Gun Owners members were the powerhouse that helped us pass the nation’s leading Stand-Your-Ground law over the objections of then Governor Matt Mead and countless moderates in Cheyenne. In 2020, Wyoming Gun Owners members shocked the state by giving...
⚠️Massive New Gun Control Bill Filed!⚠️

⚠️Massive New Gun Control Bill Filed!⚠️

Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are promising to deliver a major gun control victory to Michael Bloomberg and the gun-control mob  who put them in power last year, before the 2022 midterms. That’s why Pelosi’s allies just filed a massive new gun control bill in D.C., a...