Thirteen years ago, when Wyoming Gun Owners was first launched to deal with Wyoming’s oppressive concealed carry laws, there was such a thing as a ‘blue dog’ Democrat in the Wyoming legislature. These were fiscally conservative Democrats who were in the middle of the...
Thirty-seven members of the United States Senate want to hit you with felony charges and put you in prison for up to a decade for ‘crimes’ like buying an AR-15 or any magazine that holds over ten rounds of ammo. In fact, when Dianne Feinstein rolled out her ‘Assault...
Joe Biden is attacking gun owners through legislation in Congress, bans on imports of firearms and ammunition, and through disastrous Executive Actions, too. Right now, the ATF is drafting new regulations which would make criminals out of millions of guns owners...
It’s time to put a nail in David Chipman’s coffin! Over the last few months, gun owners across the state and across the country have been DEMANDING that the U.S. Senate crush David Chipman’s nomination to run the ATF. Recently, the Senate Judiciary Committee...
Thanks to you and millions of gun owners like you, Chuck Schumer has a major David Chipman problem, and it’s only getting worse. In their absolute hatred for America, Joe Biden’s team selected a nominee who hates the Second Amendment and law abiding gun owners so much...
Happy Independence Day from the board of directors of the Wyoming Gun Owners. On this day, 245 years ago, our nation adopted the Declaration of Independence, telling the world that America was no longer a puppet of England, but a sovereign nation! During the...