Happy Independence Day from the board of directors of the Wyoming Gun Owners. On this day, 245 years ago, our nation adopted the Declaration of Independence, telling the world that America was no longer a puppet of England, but a sovereign nation! During the...
The ATF is taking a wonderful beating in the news and on Capitol Hill lately, and if we fight even harder, we may be able to STOP their attack on AR-15 pistol braces, as well! Over the last few months, David Chipman, Biden’s nominee to lead the ATF, has taken such a...
Trashball gun-grabber David Chipman’s Senate Judiciary confirmation vote was BLOCKED moments ago, by a vote of 11-11! In a vote that clearly reveals the SHOCKING power of gun owners in America, every single Republican on the committee held the line and voted ‘NO’ to...
The committee vote on David Chipman as the new director of the ATF is taking place today in the Senate Judiciary Committee, and you still have time to contact your Senators ONE MORE TIME! Make no mistake, your pressure is WORKING! Just yesterday, Susan Collins, one of...
David Chipman, the power-hungry ghoul who Joe Biden has nominated to run the scandal-ridden ATF, is scheduled to receive a committee vote on THURSDAY! Chipman was supposed to have been voted on in the Judiciary Committee last week, but his nomination was pulled for a...
There may have been a time when gun owners thought that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) served a legitimate role in the federal government, helping to arrest violent criminals and dangerous gang members. But those days are long gone! These days, we...