School is getting out. The government’s heavy-handed lockdowns are drawing to a close. And for most people, life is returning to normal, and we just want to be left alone to enjoy our families. But that doesn’t mean a damn thing to the soulless ghouls in Washington,...
“Do you believe in banning ‘assault weapons?’” “I do.” That’s what China Joe Biden’s nominee to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF), David Chipman, confessed late yesterday during the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee’s confirmation hearings! And that...
I have an urgent gun rights alert that needs your attention now! While Joe Biden is busy trying to CRUSH our Second Amendment rights in Congress, and with the executive orders he recently unveiled, he’s also trying to weaponize the ATF again! That’s why, today, the...
As you know, Wyoming Secretary of State Ed Buchanan and other state agencies have been coming after WYGO for almost nine months now, after our members threw anti-gun Republicans to the curb in last year’s primary and general elections. Buchanan (along with AG Bridget...
Moments ago, I had the distinct displeasure of wiring $500 to the Wyoming Secretary of State to pay a fine for daring to talk about legislative candidates’ views on the Second Amendment during the 2020 election cycle. Our mistake? WYGO refused to disclose the names...
In just a couple of weeks, Joe Biden’s war against law abiding gun owners will fall flat on it’s face in Missouri, as the legislature passed the Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA) last Friday! As the Political Director for the Missouri Firearms Coalition, I’ve...