Fwd: Video Update on Mary Throne’s Agenda!

Fwd: Video Update on Mary Throne’s Agenda!

Gun owners all over Wyoming are outraged about Mary Throne’s recent promise to veto our legislation to do away with deadly ‘Gun Free Zones.’ Of course, having passed Stand-Your-Ground law this year, our attention will be heavily focused on ‘Gun Free Zones’ next...
Mary Throne Vows to Crush Pro-Gun Legislation!

Mary Throne Vows to Crush Pro-Gun Legislation!

After Wyoming Gun Owners recently outed her for flat-out lying to gun owners, the news about Mary Throne just keeps getting worse. That’s because not only has Mary Throne voted against the Second Amendment EVERY chance she could during her eight years in office...
She Wants to Crush Our Gun Rights!

She Wants to Crush Our Gun Rights!

“A meaningful number of registered Republicans in this reddest of states are really — get this — Democrats.” That was the Washington Post’s recent attempt to explain why anti-gun Democrat Mary Throne is suddenly surging in Wyoming’s governor race. The fact...
A Very Dangerous Threat!

A Very Dangerous Threat!

The gun-grabbers believe a pick up of even just a handful of state legislative seats in Cheyenne this November will mean gun control is a done deal. All over the country, supposedly “pro-Second Amendment” Republicans are jumping on BILLIONAIRE Michael Bloomberg’s “Red...
Don’t Let Anti-Gunners Shut Us Down!

Don’t Let Anti-Gunners Shut Us Down!

Any day now, I expect a loud knock at my door. A slick anti-gun government lawyer — armed with trumped-up legal complaints from Michael Bloomberg-backed gun control organizations and their pals in the media — will be grinning from ear-to-ear as he tells...
Eight Anti-Gun Votes Mary Throne Hopes You Never Hear About!

Eight Anti-Gun Votes Mary Throne Hopes You Never Hear About!

With her Democratic nomination safely in hand, Mary Throne is hoping to pull the wool over the eyes of every gun owner in the state! Longtime WYGO members will remember that for the ten years she was elected, Mary Throne constantly tried to tell us how much she...