52 Days!

52 Days!

The 2022 midterm elections are just fifty-two days away. Since the day Joe Biden took office, gun owners have faced attacks against our right to keep and bear arms like no time in modern history! Biden has passed a massive ‘Red Flag’ funding bill, and his national gun...
Video: Tony Niemiec is NOT 100% Pro-Gun!

Video: Tony Niemiec is NOT 100% Pro-Gun!

Wyoming Gun Owners has been working around the clock for almost a month as we surveyed every legislative candidate in the state, asking them where they stand on the important Second Amendment issues of the day. Over the last few weeks, we’ve been broadcasting the...
Massive WYGO Victory in Federal Court!

Massive WYGO Victory in Federal Court!

Eighteen months ago, I received a phone call from a reporter with the Riverton Ranger asking me for a comment on the ethics charge that was filed against Wyoming Gun Owners. When I called the Secretary of State’s office to ask what was going on, they were shocked that...
Everyone Knows This is a Fraud…

Everyone Knows This is a Fraud…

Yesterday afternoon Governor Gordon signed the FAKE SAPA bill that the legislature passed during the 2022 legislative session. As we’ve told you all along, this legislation (S.F. 102) is a total sham, designed to fool gun owners into thinking that they have protection...