VIDEO UPDATE on H.R. 4350 (Red Flags in the Military!)

Since the day Nancy Pelosi passed H.R. 4350 (the National Defense Authorization Act) out of the House with ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures’ it in, Wyoming Gun Owners has been sounding the alarm.

Afterall, had the Senate passed H.R. 4350 ‘as is,’ the men and women of our armed forces could have found themselves disarmed and drummed out of the military based on nothing more than an unproven allegation — and before being convicted of a crime!

Sadly, as we told you, Nancy Pelosi didn’t do this on her own.

Dozens of Congressional Republicans — including Wyoming’s Liz Cheney — voted to support the original version when it left the House.

We asked you to contact Cheney (and Senators Barrasso and Lummis) and make sure they knew that you were 100% opposed to ‘Red Flag’ laws, and 100% opposed to seeing ‘pro-gun Republicans’ aid Pelosi in passing this garbage.

And call you did!

That’s why Congress just passed an amended version of the National Defense Authorization Act that DID NOT include ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ language in it! To learn more, watch our video report!

Thank you for standing up and pushing back against this awful legislation! Had Pelosi been able to force ‘Red Flags’ into the military, it would have given her momentum to continue her efforts to pass ‘Red Flags’ on the entire country!

But the fight to stop Pelosi is far from over.

And with big fights on the horizon here in Wyoming next session, too, I hope that you’ll renew your membership in Wyoming Gun Owners if you haven’t already done so!

The amount of your membership is up to you, but with session resuming in Cheyenne in just a few weeks, I hope that you’ll renew your support right away!

<<< Liberty Level Membership! >>>
<<< Freedom Level Membership! >>>
<<< Patriot Level Membership! >>>

Thank you for helping us defeat H.R. 4350! And thank you, in advance, for helping us to fight for freedom throughout 2022!

For Wyoming,

Aaron Dorr
Policy Advisor
Wyoming Gun Owners

P.S. After massive opposition from grassroots gun owners across the country, Nancy Pelosi’s attempt to stick ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures’ into the National Defense Authorization Act has FAILED!

Watch our video report to learn how this bi-partisan gun control bill was defeated!

Don’t forget, there are major fights coming for gun owners in 2022 in Washington, D.C., and also right here in Wyoming. So if you haven’t already renewed your membership for next year, do it today!

<< Renew your membership in Wyoming Gun Owners for 2022 here! >>