Most of us remember the quote by Ronald Reagan – “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.” Imagine this brand of “help” appearing at your doorstep…Please read on. Your elementary school aged child misses several days of school. First because of the flu, then when you thought things were getting better, pneumonia symptoms set in. What started out as a “cold” lingered as an illness that is so unpredictable that even when your child was given the green-light to go back to school, the nurse sends them home for more rest. You do what any parent will do, make sure your child gets plenty of chicken soup, take that awful tasting cough medicine, and go to the school to pick up any make-up lessons. Now let’s fast forward. Later in the same year you find out your spouse has to “go under the knife”. As any loving spouse would do, you plan to go through the ordeal with them. And at the same time your “little one” is now distraught as one of their parents is suffering with chronic illness. By the end of the year your child misses ONLY twenty days of school, while maintaining satisfactory performance as per the official report card. So far this is a true story happening in the Wheatland WY School District. You remember the little boy whose family was put on “criminal probation” along with a — NO GUNS ORDER — placed on the household? Well as anyone would do, this family appealed this order and retained an attorney. And Wheatland prosecutor Eric Jones (who ran as a Republican) is now retaliating. By making this a special case. As a matter a fact, it’s so special, that everything will be under a — gag order — claiming that keeping it all behind closed doors is to protect the minor child. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that sleazy prosecutors like Eric Jones love to keep their dirty deeds deeply under cover. His actions are proof he doesn’t give one iota about the children.
To Eric Jones it’s all about power! Eric Jones is guilty of doing what many prosecutors in America do best –WIN CASES…and if it means making a Wyoming family go bankrupt, it’s just part of the “game” he plays as a prosecutor. As of now the avenues of diplomacy have been exhausted. You see, every single member of the School Board and the County Commissioners (even Sandy Kontour who ran as a “pro-freedom” candidate”) tell me, “there is nothing they can do.” And it’s all a bald-faced lie! Under WY-Statute the “elected officials” can force Eric Jones to shape-up or step down. Of course, as usual the job of holding “other politicians accountable”, in this case the prosecuting attorney, is something that no one wants do. By now you probably know how things really work…When a politician is asking for your vote, even for school board, they are certain to speak in a manner to win the popularity contest. Then once this same politician is safely in office, by their “actions”, they become part of the slimy “business as usual” club. (Commissioner Sandy Kontour, in case you are reading this email, YOU should be paying close attention since many people are watching) Here is the call to immediate action!!! The good news is, if Governor Mead hears from enough people like you he could put a stop to this merciless harassment of a Wyoming family. Even though we know Mead has been on the wrong side on gun issues, surely Mead will stand up in defense against this egregious abuse of power that has been directed against this innocent family. I pray that Mead would realize that bankrupting this family will only leave long term scars. This matter is urgent, it cannot wait, it’s not something that can be put-off. Please contact Governor Mead and ask him to stop this attack that started as a criminal no guns order, and has now turned into a retaliatory act by a out of control prosecutor Eric Jones. Mead’s office (307) 777-7434 Other contact info here The following is an example: Dear Governor Matt Mead, I am contacting you on behalf of the Cain family in the Wheatland School district. Life brings its own hurdles, things like Illness and even surgery can certainly send a family for a loop. But adding salt to the wounds by punishing a family for circumstances out of their control isn’t what the “spirit” of the law is for. Platte County Prosecutor Eric Jones is retaliating against a Wyoming Family that complied with all prior recommendation by the local school officials, all during time of documented hardship. Eric Jones is falsely using low PAWS testing scores, since the entire school numbers have taken a nose dive. Also be aware that the school principal that filed the initial action against this family, was later forced to resign for her own poor performance. On a side note, similarly when a law enforcement officer is found to be a bad apple, it brings the citations written by that officer under strict scrutiny, sometimes even overturning prior guilty rulings, so should this case be treated. I pray that you help this family by taking this issue out of the hands of Eric Jones and the heavy handed judge, so this family can go back normal. Twenty days of school absence for a little boy dealing with illness, and on top of that, his father undergoing surgery isn’t who I want my government prosecuting. Let’s save all that for real criminals. Please help Braydon Cain’s family from being wrongful prosecuted by ruthless prosecutor Eric Jones. __________________________________________ If after you contact Governor Mead, you would like to also contact Prosecutor Eric Jones, here is his contact info. Platte County Attorney Office Eric Jones 307) 322-2045 [email protected] If you’re on Facebook — be sure to go to WyGO’s page and like us. We’ll be publicizing this atrocity on social media as well.