Governor Mead responds to gun owners, and signs Constitutional Carry!
Wyoming is moving in the right direction, and it is because of men and women like you.
![]() Governor signs Constitutional Carry in Wyoming Left to right: Senator Kit Jennings, Governor Matt Mead, Rep. Lorraine Quarberg, Rep. Allen Jaggi, WyGO Director Anthony Bouchard, NAGR Director Dudley Brown |
On Wednesday March 2nd 2011, I watched as Governor Mead signed Constitutional Carry into law while saying his office had been clogged with emails and phone calls from people demanding he sign the Jennings-Jaggi Constitutional Carry bill. Even though so called “political experts” say your activism doesn’t matter, this event shows who has the real power in politics… You!
The anti-gun crowd fought this legislation every step of the way. The plain and simple truth is when push came to shove, it was your phone calls and emails that pushed this freedom-restoring bill through the legislature. This legislation marks a fantastic first step toward restoring your right to self-defense in Wyoming.
Now is the time for us to forge ahead and repeal the numerous criminal safe zones in Wyoming. Even though the Jennings-Jaggi bill has made it possible to carry a firearm without going through a laborious permit process, we are still a long way from being done. Wyomingites are still not allowed to defend themselves in their places of worship, where they teach their children, or even when out to eat with their family. That is simply wrong. Our Constitution doesn’t come with a list of places where our rights no longer apply. That’s why Wyoming Gun Owners’ number one priority is eliminating these places where criminals are armed, but the law demands you to be unarmed.
I honestly want you to take a minute and think about the power your actions had in passing Constitutional Carry in Wyoming.
It’s an unquestionably great achievement, and it is because WyGO members got involved. You deserve to feel good about that. Wyoming now joins only a small handful of states that allow real Constitutional Carry. Next I want you to think about how much work we still have to do, roll up your sleeves, and join me for this coming fight. Wyoming Gun Owners is Wyoming’s premiere state level gun rights organization. There is simply no other grassroots organization taking action in the legislature at this level.
If restoring liberties in Wyoming is important to you, I guarantee you there is no better organization to be a part of. We’ve worked long and hard to pass Constitutional Carry in Wyoming, and repealing criminal safe zones isn’t going to be easy. That’s why I need you to:
1) become a member of Wyoming Gun Owners if you haven’t already, and
2) please make a donation of $100, $50, $25, or whatever you can afford to help repeal criminal safe zones in Wyoming. We had a great victory, but our fight is far from over in Wyoming. Thank you for your help and support. Please join me in our next step toward freedom in Wyoming. Sincerely, Anthony Bouchard Executive Director WyGO – Wyoming Gun Owners