Dozens of you have contacted us about the incredible news coming out of Boulder, CO, last week.
In case you missed it, the City Council has passed the ‘first reading’ of a resolution to make it a criminal offense to possess an AR15, bump stock, or any magazine over 10 rounds!
Can you imagine the arrogance of some city councilman trying to get you locked up over a city law regarding your firearms? Well, it’s happening in Boulder!
Worse, now that Boulder has begun this process, we are hearing of other cities in Colorado that are considering following suit.
Many gun owners in Colorado — just ten years ago — would have scoffed at the idea that in ten years they would be living in a state with far reaching gun control laws.
But now Colorado is home to Michael Bloomberg’s universal firearms registration, a ban on mags holding more than 15 rounds, and cities working overtime to enact even more restrictions!
This is why it’s absolutely vital that gun owners in Wyoming band together, to make sure that this creeping gun control doesn’t raise its head here.
And trust me, it’s more of a threat than you might know.
While we did pass Stand-Your-Ground law this session, it was an absolute battle from start to finish. Moreover, moderates in the legislature worked overtime to kill or gut the bill with harmful amendments.
And, of course, Governor Mead vetoed our bill to repeal ‘Gun Free Zones’ last year and refused to stand up for gun owners this session — by refusing to sign Stand-Your-Ground legislation into law.
The only reason we passed Stand-Your-Ground law is because thousands of gun owners like you stood up and made your voice heard!
And today, I am asking you to stand up once more, by joining Wyoming Gun Owners TODAY!
You see, while the legislature has adjourned for the year, the fight for gun rights in Wyoming is far from over.
Last month, Bloomberg-funded groups marched right here in Wyoming looking to ban the popular AR15, ban mags over an arbitrary number, and establish a state gun registry!
More, the Governor’s office is urging interim committees to look at advancing ‘Red Flag Orders’ legislation that would seize firearms from gun owners -– even if they have not been convicted of a crime!
That’s why Wyoming Gun Owners’ 2018 election program, where we survey every candidate seeking legislative office, is so important right now.
It is no longer enough to trust a lawmaker who simply says, “I’m pro gun.” Everyone in Cheyenne claims that at election time, and then so often wilt during session when gun owners need them the most!
That’s where we come in.
Wyoming Gun Owners will be surveying all the candidates, asking them a series of tough questions about their views on the Second Amendment — giving them a chance to put their support in writing!
Then, armed with that information, we will be publishing a gun rights voter guide in time for the primary election in August.
That way you and every other gun owner will know whether your candidate is really committed to fighting for gun rights or, is simply pandering for votes.
We are going to be publishing the results of this program by mail, email, targeted social media, ‘slicks,’ and even radio ads if we can raise the needed resources.
And that’s why I am counting on your support. You see, WYGO can only run this program if we have the necessary resources to work with.
Unlike Bloomberg-funded gun control activists, we don’t receive funding from an out-of-state billionaire.
And unlike Wyoming Association of Sheriffs and Chiefs of Police who opposed us all session in Cheyenne, we don’t receive millions of dollars of state or federal grant dollars, courtesy of taxpayers.
But it’s clear that if gun owners in Wyoming don’t stand tall for gun rights now, especially as they are under attack so aggressively, we will eventually become another Colorado.
If you are already a member, thank you! But please consider a special contribution to help us run these programs now that we are out of session.
You can do that here.
Anti-gun lawmakers are on the warpath right now, and that is not going to disappear anytime soon. But the best defense of our gun rights is a strong offense.
With your help, that’s what Wyoming Gun Owners will continue to do during this important election year.
For Freedom,
David Ball
P.S. Watching the Boulder, CO, city council vote on enacting a city-wide ban on the poplar AR15, mags over 10 rounds of ammo, and more, has reminded gun owners that sitting back and hoping for the best is NOT AN OPTION!
Here in Wyoming, passing Stand-Your-Ground law this past session was a battle — with many of our ‘friends’ refusing to stand up and fight for gun owners.
That’s why Wyoming Gun Owners will be working overtime to survey every candidate running for office, so that when the Primary and General election come around, gun owners will have the facts they need to make educated decisions.
But we need your help to run these programs!
So if you are not a member of Wyoming Gun Owners, please join TODAY!
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