On Dec, 5, 2012 Judge Jeffrey A. Donnell issued orders to make his County building a gun free zone.
Earlier this year with your help we defeated state legislation that would have expanded gun free zones, or better called — victim disarmament zones — in all County buildings around the state.
But, as we know all too well, the gun-grabbers never sleep!
Like a broken record, the anti-gun crowd and their pals in the media blame law-abiding gun owners like you and me and try to use tragedies as an excuse to push for even more gun control.
And here in Wyoming, the bad actors are just as emboldened by the mainstream media’s non-stop badgering to ban guns.
The Wyoming Judge that pushed for a gun ban in all County buildings is furious with the legislature for killing his bill — so he decided to do what power hungry tyrants do best.
Two weeks ago Judge Jeffery A. Donnell violated his oath to the Wyoming Constitution when he issued a — gun free zone order — in the Albany County building, claiming he can do so by his OWN authority.
His plan to override the current law from the bench is devious to say the least. It’s very likely that Judge Donnell hopes in-time his unlawful order will be decided by collaborators in the Wyoming Supreme Court.
But this is how the gun control crowd has done it all across the country, by enacting a patchwork of “local” gun laws.
Their scheme is simple — leave our new Constitutional Carry Law on the books but render it virtually MEANINGLESS by allowing local governments to pass their own gun “regulations.”
And here’s where the bad news gets worse.
This power-grab has been orchestrated by none other than the Wyoming Court Security Commission, whose appointed members include the above mentioned Judge Donnell, along with several handpicked anti-gun puppets including the Director of WY Homeland Security, along with several other anti-gun bureaucrats.
We have one strong supporter on the committee. Thanks to the out-going Speaker of the House, Ed Buchanan, we have a voice on the courts panel.
Last month Speaker Buchanan appointed pro-gun champion Representative Allen Jaggi to the commission. But with only one soldier against so many foes — there may not be enough horsepower to stem the tides.
Let’s face it, this is how the progressive crowd works, with the push from the Obama administration and his anti-gun cronies now in full swing — the like minded here in Wyoming have joined forces to mount a battle of epic proportions.
This is the reason Wyoming Gun Owners exists. Join us today.