If you live in Senate District 3 (Goshen, Weston, and Niobrara Counties) please take a moment to read this!
You see, Cheri Steinmetz has a history of standing up for gun owners and has pledged to do so again if elected to the Wyoming Senate, by answering her Wyoming Gun Owners Gun Rights Questionnaire.
Sadly, Martin Gubbels has refused to answer key questions on his questionnaire.
Now that you have the facts, please help us in the fight for gun rights, by doing these three things right away:
First, become a member of Wyoming Gun Owners right away!
Second, make sure that you ‘Like Us’ on our Facebook page, for up to the minute updates!
Third, get the latest about other races by checking out the results of our candidate survey program, here!
There is so much at stake in the fight for the Second Amendment in Cheyenne as we work to end ‘Gun Free Zones,’ that we can’t take anything for granted!
Please take action right away!
For Freedom,
Aaron Dorr
Policy Advisor
Wyoming Gun Owners
P.S. Gun owners in Senate District 3 need to see this!
In your district, one candidate has previously stood up for gun owners and has promised to do so again — while another candidate is refusing to answer key questions on the Wyoming Gun Owners Candidate Questionnaire.
To get all the facts about this race, watch our video update here.
And if you are not a member of Wyoming Gun Owners, please join up TODAY!
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