In the wake of overwhelming pressure from the members of Wyoming Gun Owners, Rep. Bill Pownall pulled FIX-NICS from consideration in advance of the 2020 session!
There’s no other way to say it: WYGO members are the biggest a** kickers in Wyoming politics and everyone in Cheyenne knows it!
You see, swamp creatures like Democrat-turned Republican Senator Mike Von Flatern, Representative Bill Pownall, and Representative Clark Stith love trying to sneak in gun control bills like this, just days before session begins.
They hoped that it would go unnoticed.
They should have known better.
In less than 10 days, almost 5,000 emails slammed into the Capitol from WYGO members — letting everyone in Cheyenne know what will happen to their careers should they back this disgusting legislation.
That’s not counting the calls, Tweets, and Facebook messages that you sent in, in addition to the emails.
So thank you, WYGO members, for standing up and fighting back, and reminding moderate lawmakers in Cheyenne who they work for — this is your victory!
But don’t think for a moment that just because we won this fight, we’ve won the war. We haven’t.
In fact, the most dangerous thing that we can do right now is kick back and relax, because if we do, this legislation will come back up this session via an amendment or leadership bill.
Capitol insiders are telling us that this may have been part of Rep. Pownall’s plan all along — and they certainly could be right.
And as we reported just the other day, there’s another Republican-backed gun control moving in Cheyenne that we need to keep pounding away at.
S.F. 80 would mandate a three day waiting period before you could buy a handgun in Wyoming, legislation that has been proven to get people (usually women) killed because they can’t fight back against a violent stalker.
As shocking as this legislation is, it’s even more disgusting when you consider that it has been sponsored by Republican State Representative Dan Furphy!
So rather than slacking off, I’m asking WYGO members to DOUBLE DOWN on the pressure you are applying to lawmakers in advance of the 2020 session, which begins on Monday.
There are three emails that I need you to send right away:
First, send your email against H.B. 59, the FIX-NICS gun control that is likely going to come back up this session.
Second, send your email against S.F. 80, legislation that would mandate a 3-day waiting period before you can buy a self-defense handgun!
Third, send your email in support of S.F. 88, legislation sponsored by Senator Bouchard that would end deadly ‘Gun Free Zones’ on government property here in Wyoming!
Please don’t skip over this, and please don’t just send one of these emails. As you know, our top of the line advocacy system makes it easier than ever for you to take action.
In fact, you can send all three of these emails in less than a minute!
Session begins on Monday, and WYGO will be on hand, keeping an eye on what lawmakers are doing during the shortened 2020 budget session.
But our presence is far outweighed by your pressure, because it comes from inside of their districts!
In addition to your emails, please also consider a donation to Wyoming Gun Owners.
We spent heavily on our digital program attacking FIX-NICS legislation, and we need to recapitalize to make sure we have the ammo we need to fight to repeal ‘Gun Free Zones’ and more!
If you can afford to give $10, please do it!
If you can afford to give $50, please do it!
And if you can afford to give $100, $250, $500 or even buy a lifetime membership, please do it now!
Whatever you do, fire off your emails now!
For Wyoming,

Aaron Dorr
Policy Advisor
Wyoming Gun Owners
P.S.Faced with an overwhelming amount of pressure from Wyoming Gun Owners members, Rep. Pownall has pulled FIX-NICS from consideration during the 2020 session.
But this bill may still come back via a last minute amendment! Don’t sit back! Fire off the three emails we’ve prepared above to help us kill this bill, beat back the 3-day waiting period, and end deadly ‘Gun Free Zones!’
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