Tomorrow HB-114 repeal gun free zones in committee

HB-114 the Wyoming Gun Free Zone Repeal Act — sponsored by Rep. Allen Jaggi will be heard tomorrow morning. Please take action immediately.

If you haven’t done so already, please contact the committee members listed below.

Then plan on being at the Judiciary committee hearing for HB-114 on Wednesday Jan 28, at 8:00am — in Room 302 at the Capitol. Please be at least 30 minutes early.

If this WyGO-backed legislation is passed into law, it will ‘repeal’ Wyoming’s current Gun Free Zones in Public Schools, College Campuses and Government Buildings. See HB-114 here.

In Utah law abiding citizens have been conceal carrying in these same places for 15 years.

Wyoming Lawmakers can choose to keep Gun Free Zones.

But as you know, Colorado’s phony security policies have yielded horrific results:

Arapahoe High School Shooting
***14 years after Columbine***
18 year old Karl Pierson killed a 16 year old classmate before taking his own life.

The Aurora Theater Shooting
***13 years after Columbine***
Signs were posted saying “NO FIREARMS ALLOWED,” advertising that victims are unarmed and unable to protect themselves. That was the cue for Madman James Holmes to slaughter 12 victims and injure another 59, then later allegedly attempted to take his own life.

Platte Canyon High School Hostage Crisis
***7 years after Columbine***
53 year old Duane Morrison sexually assaulted six girls and killed one before taking his own life.


Wyoming politicians could choose Utah’s proven safety model.

Utah also witnessing Colorado’s Columbine tragedy took a much different approach. For the last 15 years law abiding Citizens have been legally able to be armed in Government Buildings, Public Schools and College Campuses.

Experts speculate that crazed killers — who are hell bent on slaughtering helpless victims — aren’t so inclined when it gets in the way of their own suicide mission.

Maybe this is why neighboring Utah doesn’t have the same headlines as liberal leaning Colorado, where gun free zones have repeatedly killed and injured so many.

>>>Immediate Action Needed<<<

Please contact the following two committee members ASAP!

Let them know you are in full support of this legislation without any amendments. And that you will be watching closely how they vote on this crucial matter.

Representative Samuel Krone
[email protected]
Cell – (307) 272-0082

Representative Bill Pownall
[email protected]

For Liberty,

Anthony Bouchard
Executive Director
Wyoming Gun Owners

P.S. Without your immediate action, the anti-gun crowd in Cheyenne will roll out their army and squash HB-114 the Wyoming Repeal Gun Free Zones Act.

Please be at the committee hearing on Wednesday Jan 28, at 8:00am in Room 302 at the Capitol.

Also contact the members listed in this email ASAP.

If passed this WyGO-backed legislation will free up law abiding folks like you to be armed in Government Buildings, Public Schools and College Campuses. So please take immediate action today.

Please become a WyGO financial supporter today. By chipping in just $20 you will help us to remain on the front lines defending your right to keep and bear arms.