Colorado, Nevada, Utah and Oregon have it. California does too . . .
In fact — as you can see from the map below — every single state in the mainland U.S. that’s west of the Dakotas has a Stand-Your-Ground Law — either by statute or court precedence!

Except one: Wyoming.
But with your action today, I’m hopeful you and I can change that.
That’s why I’m counting on you to please sign your petition to Wyoming Gun Owners IMMEDIATELY. More on that below.
As you’ll see, these petitions urge Members of the Wyoming General Assembly to cosponsor and vote to pass the Wyoming Stand-Your-Ground Bill, which will be introduced by State Senator Anthony Bouchard.
But with the next session of the Wyoming State Legislature not that far away, your IMMEDIATE support has never been more critical!
The truth is, after Governor Matt Mead’s stunning VETO of the “Gun Free Zone” Repeal Bill earlier this year, the Gun Control Lobby is more emboldened than ever.
So you can all but guarantee that gun-grabbers like BILLIONAIRE anti-gun activists Michael Bloomberg and George Soros are virtually certain to go all-out to stop us, believing it’s only a matter of time until their pals in BOTH parties seize full control of Wyoming.
We can’t let them get away with it.
Instead, it’s time for Wyoming to join the rest of the West in protecting Second Amendment supporters by passing a Stand-Your-Ground Law!
If passed, the Wyoming Stand-Your-Ground Bill — which State Senator Anthony Bouchard will be introducing in the next legislative session — would simply state that law-abiding Wyoming gun owners can defend themselves against criminal attack without fear of being targeted by an anti-gun prosecutor.
Under Stand-Your-Ground, law-abiding gun owners would:
1) Face no so-called “duty to retreat.”
Under current Wyoming law, you are required to try to get away from a criminal attacker before being able to legally use self-defense to protect yourself.
In a situation where your life is on the line, the LAST thing you want to be thinking about is what some anti-gun judge or prosecutor might say;
2) Receive criminal immunity from anti-gun prosecutors.
In other words, no more anti-gun prosecutors trying to make an example of you — or taking a case to court to make a political statement;
3) Receive civil immunity.
That means the money-grubbing family of some thug you had to defend yourself against can’t come after you in court and sue you for millions!
Without each piece of this three-legged stool — which Wyoming citizens DO NOT currently enjoy — those who defend themselves are effectively sitting ducks.
So every year — from Cheyenne to Cody, and Rock Springs to Laramie — law-abiding gun owners face the prospect of being prosecuted for simply defending themselves!
Please help us end this -– next session — by signing your petition below, right away!
I’m sure the gun-grabbers think to themselves, “that serves you right!”
After all, whenever some criminal commits some horrific crime, don’t the gun-grabbers always rush to place blame — not on the criminals themselves — but on law-abiding gun owners?
So is it really any surprise Wyoming law doesn’t explicitly protect gun owners — even when it’s your safety at stake?
I don’t know about you, but I believe the law should put the interests of law-abiding Wyoming citizens ahead of common thugs and criminals.
So do a vast majority of Wyoming citizens.
Despite this, gun-grabbers have so far succeeded in derailing passage of Stand-Your-Ground.
But if you and I can turn up the heat once again, I believe we can FORCE every member of the Wyoming Legislature on record for or against Stand-Your-Ground as soon as they get back in session this fall.
In fact, my hope is that when politicians return to Cheyenne, they see petitions stacked a mile high — all insisting on Stand-Your-Ground.
But I need all hands on deck to make this happen!
So please do your part and sign your petition in support of this legislation right away!
The good news is that just forcing a vote on Stand-Your-Ground legislation puts you and me in a win/win situation in 2018.
That’s because there’s no vote the gun-grabbers in BOTH parties fear more.
If you and I force public, roll-call votes on Stand-Your-Ground in both houses of the Wyoming State Legislature, ALL the gun-grabbers in BOTH parties will finally be exposed.
Either you and I will get the votes we need to pass Stand-Your-Ground — or gun-grabbers pay the price in the next election.
Second Amendment supporters will make sure of it.
That’s why I’m counting on you to sign your petition to make Stand-Your-Ground a reality. But I hope you won’t stop there.
Your generous contribution today will help Wyoming Gun Owners turn up the heat on the State Legislature with a massive grassroots program, including:
- Generating 25,000 petitions from all over Wyoming insisting the State Legislature pass Stand-Your-Ground;
- Using email, social media and Internet ads to mobilize an additional 15,000 Wyoming gun owners from all over the state;
- Working the blogs and granting media interviews to explain exactly why Stand-Your-Ground would make Wyoming freer and safer;
- Paying for hard-hitting radio, newspaper and even TV ads to ensure politicians are feeling the most heat right before they’re forced to vote.
This is the type of plan it will take to finally make Stand-Your-Ground a reality in Wyoming.
And it’s the type of plan only Wyoming Gun Owners can put into action — and only with your help.
So won’t you please sign your Stand-Your-Ground petition IMMEDIATELY?
And if you can, please agree to your most generous contribution of $100 right away.
I know that’s a lot to ask for.
Of course, if that’s too much, please agree to at least $50 or at least $25.
Every dollar will help me push forward for Stand-Your-Ground in Wyoming.
So please sign your Stand-Your-Ground petition and make your most generous contribution of $100, $50 or at least $25 IMMEDIATELY!
P.S. Without Stand-Your-Ground, many law-abiding Wyoming gun owners are sitting ducks for prosecutors who are looking to nail gun owners to the wall.
A big reason is our lack of a Stand-Your-Ground Law.
If passed, Stand-Your-Ground would simply state that law-abiding Wyoming gun owners can defend themselves against criminal attack without fear of being targeted by some anti-gun prosecutor.
So please sign your Stand-Your-Ground petitions right away!