Like we told you late last week, HB 137 passed in the Senate by a narrow vote. Senator Burns’ anti-gun amendment, which would gut the entirety of the bill, was shot down by a vote of 16-13 — far too close for comfort. As a reminder, HB 137 would remove the...
Last week both HB136 “Campus Carry” and HB137 “Repeal Gun Free Zones” made it past the Senate Judiciary committee, and must now face a full vote on the Senate floor.Inside sources say the vote may happen as early as TOMORROW.We’ve known from the start that this is...
With little fanfare, HB 136 and HB 137 were passed through the Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday by a vote of 4 to 1!Senator Liisa Anselmi-Dalton was the lone no vote. Remember, the Senate hasn’t moved a single gun bill here in Wyoming in five years. Clearly your...
Earlier today we sent you an email about an upcoming vote in the Senate Judiciary Committee on HB 136 and HB 137, our bills to repeal “Gun Free Zones” here in Wyoming. Since then, we’ve learned that the committee will be meeting TOMORROW MORNING at 8am! WyGo...
You’ve got two days! Our legislation to repeal deadly “Gun Free Zones” and to authorize “Campus Carry” are going to be heard in the House Judiciary Committee THIS TUESDAY! This means that you’ve got only a few days to contact the members of the Judiciary Committee...