Like all of you, I was furious with Governor Mead earlier this year when he vetoed HB137, our bill to end deadly ‘Gun Free Zones’ in government buildings here in Wyoming. Simply put: the governor is more concerned about the wishes of the Wyoming Association of...
FROM THE DESK OF WYOMING SENATOR ANTHONY BOUCHARDIn all my years fighting as an activist for the Second Amendment, I learned that nothing controversial ever passes the legislature by accident. And legislation doesn’t become law just because it’s a good idea or because...
This is the rumor that’s swirling around Cheyenne as insiders report to us that Governor Mead is on the verge of doing the bidding of gun grabbers — by vetoing HB 137!This is outrageous and I need your immediate action to help stop it.As a reminder, HB137 simply...
In just a few hours, we’re going to see a vote on HB 137 –- the bill that would repeal “Gun Free Zones” in government buildings.It’s absolutely vital that you call your Senator right away and insist that he or she support this legislation!But it’s not enough that they...
Last week both HB136 “Campus Carry” and HB137 “Repeal Gun Free Zones” made it past the Senate Judiciary committee, and must now face a full vote on the Senate floor.Inside sources say the vote may happen as early as TOMORROW.We’ve known from the start that this is...