BREAKING: Senator Introducing New “Assault Weapons Ban”

News is just breaking out of Washington, DC, that Maine “Independent” Senator Angus King will be introducing a new “assault weapons ban” as early as next week!

According to King’s office:

“his bill will target technologies making those guns especially deadly, telling the newspaper banning high-capacity ammunition magazines and bump stocks, and having universal background checks, will curb gun violence.”

We all know what these anti-gunners do — they go after our guns in times of “crisis” and that’s exactly what King is doing here.

It’s critical that Senate Republicans don’t fold under the pressure. So it’s vital that EVERYONE jumps on board and chips in to make sure that WYGO has the resources to mobilize gun owners in opposition to King’s new bill.

We’re asking EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. of our generous financial supporters to chip in at least $17.76 before midnight tonight.

Please chip in below to help us WIN this fight!

>>> Help WYGO DEFEAT the Biden/Harris Assault Weapons Ban! <<<

For Wyoming,

Aaron Dorr
Policy Advisor
Wyoming Gun Owners