BREAKING: WYGO’s SF-109 passes 2nd of 3 Senate votes!

Moments ago, the Wyoming Senate approved SF-109 for the 2nd time.

One vote remains on this legislation that would ban ‘Red Flag’ gun seizures here in Wyoming forever!

Thank you to all the WYGO members who have called, emailed, or messaged your Senators via social media — they are hearing from you!

But we still have to get passed the final hurdle in the Senate, before beginning the process all over again in the House. And we have to continue to fight off harmful amendments.

So please contact your Senators one last time and urge them to support this critical legislation.

Wyoming often leads the way in the fight for the 2nd Amendment and banning ‘Red Flag’ gun seizures would be a major step forward in the fight for freedom here in Wyoming and across the country!

Please take action today!

For Wyoming,

Aaron Dorr
Policy Advisor
Wyoming Gun Owners