💪💪 WYGO Members Sent a Message Last Night!!!

Last night the members of Wyoming Gun Owners did what they do best: they took a bunch of RINOs to the fricking train station!

Last night’s victories were incredible.

And these victories will pay dividends for years to come!

I’m going to give you a breakdown on all the races where WYGO worked to educate gun voters (and expose anti-gun RINOs) in the email below. But first I want to thank each one of you.

Thanks to your support, WYGO’s whiteboard videos and digital ads were viewed over 525,000 times across our Facebook and Twitter platforms in targeted races across the state — over 217,000 individual pro-gun voters were reached!

Thanks to your support, WYGO was able to contact another 50,000 gun owners with text messages, putting detailed video breakdowns of key races right onto their phones!

Thanks to your support, WYGO’s massive email program was able to put district specific video breakdowns into gun owners’ inboxes, giving them detailed info on races in their area.

Every bit of this program was made possible thanks to the generosity of gun owners like you. Thank you, so much.

Now, let’s get to the breakdown!

Senate District 26:

Senator Tim Salazar has been a rock solid leader in the fight for gun fights in Cheyenne for a long time! He was our lead bill sponsor in the House when we passed Stand-Your-Ground law.

He’s fought for SAPA, repealing ‘Gun Free Zones,’ and was instrumental in our fight to ban Red Flag laws this year!

Elizabeth Philp is a big RINO, who refused to complete her WYGO candidate survey and clearly wanted to weaken our gun rights.

Not a good career move in Fremont County!

WYGO did a lot of video work in this race. In total, these efforts contacted over 42,000 gun owners in this race.

Last night, the chickens came home to roost as gun owners gave Tim Salazar a blowout 60%-40% victory, sending Salazar back to the Senate to fight for them for the next four years!

Senate District 24:

Senator Troy McKeown is an absolutist on the Second Amendment, our favorite kind of legislator. Since his entrance into the Senate four years ago, his record on gun rights is perfect!

The RINOs hate him. So does the Left.

So they sent Phil Christopherson after Troy, hoping to throw him the heck out of the Senate.

Big mistake.

WYGO deployed whiteboard videos, digital ads, text-based campaigns, emails, and more in this race. Our Facebook based ads were viewed over 55,000 times!

Plus our texts, plus email, etc.

Last night, McKeown destroyed RINO Phil Christopherson as gun voters turned out in droves. McKeown got 57.1% of the vote…and he sent a heck of a message in the process!

(Senator McKeown loves triggering the RINOs with his WYGO AR-15 pin on his suitcoat while working on the Senate floor!)

Senate District 22:

Rep. Mark Jennings is the worst kind of politician. You see, a radical Democrat who wants to disarm us is understandable. We don’t like them, but their position is obvious.

What’s far worse is a fake friend, who betrays, and stabs gun owners in the back after getting their support.

That’s the story of Rep. Mark Jennings. He sabotaged the Second Amendment Preservation Act, ensuring that gun owners in Wyoming have no protection. But the RINOs got political cover.

This cost gun owners multiple Senate seats in 2022. And it was all done to promote the ego of Mark Jennings…it was betrayal of the worst kind.

WYGO left no stone unturned in Sheridan and Johnson Counties, making sure every gun owner knew what Jennings did to them!

Almost 50,000 gun voters saw our whiteboard video in this race, and they overwhelmingly sent Mark Jennings home — electing Barry Crago by a margin of 55% to 45%.

Senate District 18:

Senator Tim French is one of the nicest guys I’ve ever met in Cheyenne. He’s also 100% pro-gun and he’s fought for years for SAPA, legislation to ban ‘Red Flags,’ and our efforts to repeal deadly ‘Gun Free Zones.’

Landon Greer wanted to throw French out of office, not smart.

Greer refused to survey with WYGO, and didn’t even mention the Second Amendment on his website. Our members in the area told us that Greer was a ‘sleeper,’ a RINO who would never support the Second Amendment. 

But Park County is pro-gun country.

And we set to work telling every gun owner we could about French’s long time support for our gun rights…and the fact that Greer couldn’t have cared less.

Our digital ads were a smashing success, being viewed by over 35,000 gun owners between Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Rumble.

(Senator French and myself, moments after the passage of SF-109 last session, our bill to ban Red Flag Gun Seizures in Wyoming!)

Despite being outspent approximately 3-1, Tim French pulled out a massive victory last night, receiving 58% of the vote compared to Greer’s 42%.

Tim will continue to be a voice for gun owners for the next 4 years in Cheyenne!

Senate District 14:

Speaker of the House Albert Sommers has been trash for his entire career, a constant danger to gun owners and the Second Amendment.

In SD-14’s open seat primary, Sommers thought he would skate to victory. Challenging Sommers was Laura Pearson. Pearson overlooked her WYGO candidate survey, so we were not involved in this race.

But Pearson pulled off an amazing upset victory last night, narrowly defeating Sommers. And we believe that Pearson’s oversight of the survey was in good faith.

She should be a great addition to the Wyoming State Senate!

Senate District 6:

Senator Anthony Bouchard was the founder of Wyoming Gun Owners, and a warhorse in the Senate for the last eight years.

Bouchard opted to not seek reelection this cycle, creating a 6-way open seat primary between Darin Smith and five RINOs! Smith surveyed 100% with WYGO, vowing to fight for gun owners.

WYGO informed gun owners in this race with digital ads, text messages, emails, and more.

And last night, Darin Smith scored a solid 38% of the vote, 10% higher than his nearest competitor as gun owners sent a loud message that they want a strong gun rights Senator!

This was a great victory for gun owners.

House District 58:

Gun rights played a major role in this race. Bill Allemand has been in the House for two years and has been utterly reliable every time the RINOs try to kill/weaken a gun bill!

Tom Jones was a MEGA RINO who was on a mission to remove Allemand from the House no matter what it took.

But Jones wouldn’t survey with WYGO, and he was arrogant about it. WYGO’s videos outing Jones as a chump who would not stand up for gun owners was seen by over 22,000 gun voters…who loudly re-elected Allemand by a jaw dropping margin of 71%.

This was one of those statement wins, and every RINO in the state knows it!

House District 55:

Even before her election in 2020, Ember Oakley has hated the Second Amendment. She tried to kill Stand-Your-Ground law as a lobbyist in 2018. And she’s backed the RINOs for years, weakening gun bills or outright voting no with the Democrats.

Ember is (was) one of the worst in the entire Wyoming House.

Joel Guggenmos is the opposite of Oakley.

He is passionately pro-gun, he surveyed 100% with WYGO, and he clearly was fed up with Ember’s total slide to the Left since she first got elected.

WYGO exposed Oakley using videos, texts, digital ads, and more. Almost 30,000 gun owners in Riverton and the surrounding area saw our material…and they unleashed on Oakley!

Guggenmos ended up winning by a margin of 56%-44%.

House District 50:

Rachel Rodriguez-Williams is truly hated in Cheyenne. She’s 100% pro-life. She’s 100% pro-gun. And she is 100% unafraid as she fights for these issues.

That’s why the RINOs came after her…hard.

David Hill outspent Williams nearly 2-1. But it didn’t matter. Hill refused to answer his WYGO survey, refused to support the Second Amendment, and we told everyone in HD-50!

WYGO’s Facebook ad alone reached 22,000 gun owners.

Our texting program, email program, and digital program reached thousands more.

Gun owners were not happy with Hill’s blatant RINOism and his refusal to tell them where he stood on the Second Amendment. And they overwhelmingly reelected Williams 63%-37%!

House District 49:

This race was fun! Bob Wharff was in the House from 2021-2022. He ran for the Senate in 2022, and lost. Last night, he took out RINO Ryan Berger and secured his next two years in Cheyenne!

Wharff is as solid as they come.

He was our lead sponsor on HB-116, our legislation that extended Constitutional Carry to anyone in Wyoming, not just residents. Wharff fought for SAPA. He fought to repeal ‘Gun Free Zones.’ And he’s fought against the RINOs!

Berger outraised Wharff $16,000 to $6,000, but it just didn’t matter. Gun owners in Uinta County were not swayed, and they sent Ryan Berger home in disgrace last night!

Like I said, this was a fun victory for gun owners!

House District 43:

Dan Zwonitzer has been a lispy fixture in the Wyoming House for 20 years. This soy-boy hates the Second Amendment and he’s done nothing to hide that.

Zwonitzer voted against Stand-Your-Ground. He voted for deadly ‘Gun Free Zones.’ He tried to kill SF-109 this year. And, on a personal note, Zwonitzer is a whiney cry-baby, too.

Ann Lucas surveyed 100% pro-gun. Lucas was laughed at, considered an impossible long shot who had no business running against a 20-year incumbent.

WYGO took extreme pleasure in pulling back the curtain and giving gun owners almost a decade’s worth of history, exposing all of Zwoniter’s betrayals bit by bit.

21,700 gun owners watched our video. Another 3,000 received our text based alerts. Countless more received our emails on this.

And last night, Ann Lucas got the last laugh by defeating Zwonitzer in a 59%-41% beatdown!

House District 34:

Rep. Pepper Ottman might be one of the nicest ladies in the Wyoming House, but underneath that smile is a ferocious 2nd Amendment champion who has fought hard for gun owners.

Ottman helped us pass SF-109, banning Red Flag laws.

Ottman helped us put HB-125, which would repeal ‘Gun Free Zones,’ which was vetoed by Governor Gordon.

And Ottman surveyed 100% pro-gun with Wyoming Gun Owners.

Reg Phillips wanted to replace Ottman, to spend the next two years attacking gun bills with harmful amendments and backroom betrayals –- and we made sure every gun owner knew it!

Rep. Ottman won big last night, capturing 60% of the vote!

House District 25:

This race was a first, for WYGO. You see, Rep. David Northrup is trash. He publicly supports making you and me waiting 3 days before we can buy a gun…and that’s just for starters!

So when Northrup ran for the Senate in 2020, we exposed him in Park County and he lost. Big time. So we unveiled our graveyard meme and sent Northrup home.

But Northrup came back, winning a House seat in 2022.

And he was an enemy for the last two years. Last night, as Northrup tried to get re-elected, WYGO members came out in force, firing Northrup by a vote of 61% – 39%!

WYGO exposed Northrup with videos, digital ads, text messages and more. In total, we alerted close to 28,000 gun owners about him!

This race is a first for WYGO because it’s the first time we’ve been able to use our infamous graveyard meme on the same person, two times!

House District 24:

Another Park County victory for gun owners took place in HD-24, an open seat primary between Nina Webber and Matt Hall.

Webber is 100% pro-gun, she surveyed with WYGO, and she’s been actively involved in the fight for gun rights in Cheyenne for years.

Matt Hall is the Mayor of Cody, a woke wimp who despises the Second Amendment and law abiding gun owners like you and me. The dude is truly pathetic!

WYGO ran our program, exposing Hall for the woke leftist that he is, and Webber won with 53% of the vote last night!

This is a great thing for gun owners.

House District 12:

Right outside of Cheyenne Rep. Clarence Styvar was fighting for another two years in the Wyoming House, having been there for the last four years.

Styvar is solid on the Second Amendment, everyone knows it.

Newcomer Thomas Lear spent the entire campaign hiding his views on the Second Amendment, refusing to fill out his WYGO candidate survey. All of this is a bad sign for gun owners.

WYGO made sure that AT LEAST 20,000 gun voters in HD-12 knew this, and, armed with that info, they did the rest.

Clarence Styvar was re-elected last night with a commanding 56% of the vote, and will be in a position to support the Second Amendment for the next two years!

House District 4:

Rep. Jeremy Haroldson won his first race for the Wyoming House four years ago, after WYGO exposed his predecessor, Dan Kirkbride, who was pushing gun control in Cheyenne!

Haroldson is solidly pro-gun, and this year, was the lead sponsor of WYGO backed legislation to repeal deadly ‘Gun Free Zones!’

The RINOs made a desperate effort to attack Haroldson with a third rate candidate, who refused to tell gun owners where he stood on the Second Amendment.

WYGO fought back, alerting gun owners in the district.

Haroldson easily won his race last night, capturing 68% of the vote aided by gun owners who play for keeps!


Of course, gun owners didn’t win every race across the state last night.

Rep. Ben Hornok and Jeanette Ward lost their bids for re-election to the House, after being outspent almost 2-1 in each case. Their voices will be missed in the Wyoming House. 

Two RINO Senators (Anderson and Cooper) narrowly clung to power last night, defeating pro-gun challengers.

And a pro-gun candidate named Liberty Poley lost a 3-way open seat race in Johnson County, but she ensured that a loser named Mark Jones did not capture the seat in the process.

But the reality is that WYGO members DESTROYED RINOs all over the state and EVERYONE is talking about it right now.

This is how we keep Wyoming free!

This is how we keep Wyoming ‘red!’

This is how we keep Wyoming a bastion of the Second Amendment!

And all of this was made possible by you! Every digital ad that was seen by a gun voter, every text we deployed, every email blast we launched, every piece of direct mail -– it was all funded by you. 

And remember, all the national organizations that raise so much money off of Wyomingites did almost nothing to fight for your gun rights this cycle.

It’s shameful.

And that’s why I hope you’ll join (or donate) to Wyoming Gun Owners, the only organization fighting (and winning big!) for gun owners here in Wyoming.



The primary program was wildly successful. But it was very expensive, and we need to rebuild the war chest for the next fight. Please help us do that today!

Thank you!

For Wyoming,

Aaron Dorr
Policy Advisor
Wyoming Gun Owners