MUST SEE: Gov. Gordon’s Signed Candidate Survey!

We’ve got less than ten days for Governor Gordon to decide what he’s going to do with HB-125 and SF-109 and, so far, he’s said nothing!

Pressure is mounting on Gordon to veto both of these bills from the Wyoming Association of Municipalities, Bloomberg, teachers’ associations and more.

Remember, we’ve been here before.

Governor Mead vetoed almost identical legislation in 2017. We can’t sit back and just hope for the best.

The good news is that WYGO still has Governor Gordon’s candidate survey from when he ran for office in 2018. The first two questions we asked was whether he’d sign bills like HB-125 and SF-109 into law as Governor. Gordon said he would. In writing. Check it out below!

Meantime, watch our update video here!


As you heard in the video above, Governor Gordon is a likely candidate to replace Senator Lummis if she doesn’t seek re-election in 2026…he can’t afford to anger grassroots gun owners!

Please continue to contact Governor Gordon EVERY DAY until we get an answer on HB-125 and SF-109! You can do that by:

>>> Sending Gov. Gordon this updated PRE-WRITTEN EMAIL today!

>>> Leaving Gov. Gordon a message on his Facebook page!

>>> Calling Gov. Gordon today at 307-777-7434!

Remember, don’t just contact the Governor once. Please take these action steps EVERY SINGLE DAY until we have an answer!

And please make a donation to WYGO so we can continue running our digital ads across a variety of social media platforms.


We’re on the 1-yard line here, folks. If these bills are not vetoed, we will eliminate our remaining ‘Gun Free Zones’ and unconstitutional ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures’ in Wyoming!

Please take action TODAY!

For Wyoming,

Aaron Dorr
Policy Advisor
Wyoming Gun Owners