Renew Your Membership In Wyoming Gun Owners for 2023!

After a two-year battle to save our gun rights from the relentless attacks of Joe Biden and the Radical Left, gun owners across America were hoping for a ‘Red Wave’ on Election Night.

In fact, many of us expected it. I know I did.

But as we all know, that’s not what happened in Washington.

The good news is that gun owners sent an unmistakable message on election day and kicked Nancy Pelosi and Democrats in the House out of power…a ‘revenge vote’ for their attempt to disarm us through an onslaught of tyrannical gun control bills.

In the Senate, however, the results were not so good.

As I write this, it’s too soon to know which party will control the Senate for the next two years. Georgia is headed to a run-off and recounts are a possibility in Nevada and Arizona.

While there is still a chance that the Republicans could recapture the Senate, it’s very likely that Chuck Schumer will keep control of the chamber with a 50-50 “tie” — or even increase the size of his majority to a commanding 51-49.    

Any way you look at it, at the federal level, this wasn’t a ‘Red Wave’ election that will end the threat to our gun rights in Congress. With an emboldened White House maintaining control of the United States Senate, you and I are in for a fight.

That’s why I hope that you will immediately renew your membership in Wyoming Gun Owners for 2023, so that we can defend your gun rights in D.C. — and expand them here in Cheyenne!

We have major goals for 2023 and we’re counting on you!

You see, while gun owners didn’t experience a ‘Red Wave’ in Washington, D.C., we sure sent a message on the ground here in Wyoming, where WYGO members DESTROYED leftist gun-grabbers!

Thanks to mobilized gun owners, the State Senate maintained the size of their majority and picked up at least three seats in the House of Representatives!

(WYGO members know that there’s a big difference between being a Republican and being pro-gun, as Cheyenne is full of RINOs. But defeating Democrats who openly hate the Second Amendment is always something that WYGO will be proud of!)

Harriet Hageman, who WYGO members supported during the August primary, won her election by a jaw-dropping margin of 69.8% – 24.9%.

Rep. Chuck Gray, a longtime ally of WYGO in the House, cemented his position as Secretary of State, after winning a tough primary back in August against hardcore RINO Tara Nethercott.

Between the results of the General Election and the August primaries when leading RINOs (including Liz Cheney and State Senator Drew Perkins) were kicked out of office by gun owners, WYGO members continue to send the message that voting against our gun rights is a bad career move here in Wyoming!

Each one of the victories that WYGO has notched during this year’s election cycle is because of you.

Every piece of our election program — every radio ad, every text message, every digital ad — was paid for by the members of Wyoming Gun Owners. And I can’t thank you enough.

But if there’s one thing that we’ve learned from the Democrats over the years, it’s to never let your foot off the gas in the majority, especially when you have the momentum!

And that’s why I hope you’ll renew your membership in Wyoming Gun Owners, because we’re going to hit the ground running with an ambitious agenda in Cheyenne in 2023!

First, we are going to be pushing legislation that would prevent Wyoming from accepting federal money to enforce any form of ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ legislation.

Gun owners are well aware of the danger of these ‘Red Flag’ laws, as they would allow your firearms to be seized by a court order before you’ve even been convicted of a crime!

But earlier this year, Joe Biden signed a massive gun control bill into law that gave the DOJ $750,000,000 to dole out to ‘red’ states that pass ‘Red Flag’ laws — making this a far more dangerous threat.

You see we’ve blocked Red Flags for years in Cheyenne, along with its companion legislation FIX-NICS. But there are still anti-gun Republicans and Democrats who want to pass it.

And if there’s a mass shooting in the future (God forbid) and the RINOs in Cheyenne are literally being offered tens of millions of dollars in funding by Joe Biden in exchange for passing a ‘Red Flag’ law, we’ll be in for a massive fight.

Our legislation would pre-empt that, by banning the use of federal money to enforce any form of ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures.’

Second, we will be redoubling our efforts to advance our legislation that would increase the protections offered to Wyomingites under our current Stand-Your-Ground law.  

While we passed landmark Stand-Your-Ground legislation in 2018, our current laws still require us to prove that our actions were innocent following a self-defense shooting.

Dozens of other states have reversed that, giving the assumption of innocence to gun owners following a use of force, and requiring the state to prove their guilt in court.

And in an era when a liberal prosecutor will happily try to ruin your life just to make a political statement (think Kyle Rittenhouse and Mark McCloskey) it’s clear that we need this presumption of innocence here in Wyoming, too!

But the fact is that despite our massive majorities in Cheyenne, passing bills of this size is going to be a big task. 

Wyoming Gun Owners is going to have to do what we do best; mobilize our army of gun owners using direct mail, internet and digital ads, and our powerful email program to inundate the Capitol with grassroots pressure from gun owners!

But running these programs — at the size we’ll need to run them — isn’t cheap. And after the massive amount we just spent on our wildly successful 2022 election program, we simply don’t have the funds we need to do all of this. 

And at the same time, WYGO is headed before the 10th Circuit

Court of Appeal in early January, where we hope to cement our earlier victory before the Federal Judge in Casper!

Wyoming’s campaign finance law has already been deemed invalid as it pertains to WYGO, but if we win before the 10th Circuit, we may be able to have this entire law struck down!

There’s a lot on the line for WYGO next year.

And that’s why I hope that you will renew your membership in Wyoming Gun Owners immediately, so we have the ammo we need to keep fighting for you in 2023!

The amount of your renewal is up to you. But we have a tremendous opportunity to advance the Second Amendment in Cheyenne this year.

That’s why I hope you’ll renew your membership for 2023 with a Patriot Level membership of $125 or even a lifetime membership of $1,000!

I know that’s asking a lot, but the stakes are high and we MUST seize this opportunity. 

So if $125 is simply not possible, I hope that you will consider a Freedom Level membership ($75) or Liberty Level membership ($35) instead.

Any WYGO member who renews for $75 or higher will receive a newly redesigned T-Shirt absolutely free as our way of saying ‘thank you’ for your continued support.

The amount of your membership renewal is up to you, but with everything that we’re facing in 2023, please act fast!

For Wyoming,

Aaron Dorr
Policy Advisor
Wyoming Gun Owners

P.S. While we didn’t see a ‘Red Wave’ in D.C. on election night, gun owners appear to have reclaimed the House, firing Nancy Pelosi as Speaker! At the same time, gun owners here in Wyoming crushed gun-grabbers up and down the ballot!

This is the momentum that Wyoming Gun Owners need to advance a massive package of pro-gun bills in Cheyenne during the upcoming legislative session! 

But we need your help to mobilize gun owners. Please renew your membership for 2023 with a generous donation of $125, $75, or at least $35 right away!

Remember, all renewals of $75 or higher come with a FREE WYGO T-Shirt so please be generous!