The 2024 Legislative Session Begins Today!

It’s go time in the fight for freedom!

The 2024 legislative session kicked off here in Cheyenne this morning, and with it, our fight to defend and expand the Second Amendment is going into high gear!

Gun owners have accomplished a lot over the last few years, but there is no neutral in the fight for freedom.

We are either gaining ground or losing ground. This session is going to be a fight from the beginning to the end.

This is a very short “budget session.”

That means the RINOs have a limited amount of time to harm our freedoms, but we have a limited amount of time to pass pro-gun bills! That’s why you need to take action TODAY!


WYGO’s goal for this session is getting votes (or outright passage) on our legislation to ban ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures’ in Wyoming!

Everyone knows how terrible ‘Red Flag’ laws are.

They allow liberal judges to order the confiscation of your firearms before you’ve been convicted of a crime! They shred the idea of ‘innocent until proven guilty’ and ruin your life.

And much of this is done through secret court hearings you know nothing about until it’s all over.

Make no mistake, there are a growing number of RINOs in Cheyenne who would love to pass ‘Red Flag’ laws, especially now that Joe Biden is handing out ‘free’ government money as an incentive!

WYGO wants to ban these ‘Red Flag’ laws in Wyoming, for good.

Senator Bo Biteman is helping us lead this fight, but he needs help. Please send a pre-written email today!


Throughout this legislative session, WYGO will be giving you firsthand information and the action links you need to make your voice heard in Cheyenne.

I know that everyone is busy, and that’s why WYGO has developed an incredible ‘Gun Rights Action Center’ that allows you to contact your legislators with 1 click of your mouse.

And with session officially underway, it’s time to start hitting these links and making your voice heard! Please use the links below to take action on the fights I have laid out above.


This will be a major year in our fight to keep and bear arms. Most of the politicians in Cheyenne respond to one thing, and that’s pressure from their district.

Please help us pour on the pressure!


For Wyoming,

Aaron Dorr
Policy Advisor
Wyoming Gun Owners

P.S. If you haven’t renewed your membership in Wyoming Gun Owners for 2024, please get signed up today!