WYGO Alert: Contact the House TODAY!

I know that we’ve emailed you a lot recently.

But with session ending in less than a week, there is no time to waste. So please read this email and take immediate action to make sure that SF-109 doesn’t die in the House!

Here’s where things stand.

Last Tuesday, the Senate Ag Committee approved SF-109 6-0.

This Tuesday, the Senate passed SF-109 in a unanimous 31-0 vote.

Yesterday the House Travel Committee moved SF-109, 8-1.

And one hour ago, the bill was placed on the General File which means that it’s eligible for its first House vote as early as today.

But here’s the rub; if the House doesn’t approve this first vote by Monday, then this bill is dead for the year! They need to move on this very quickly! So please email your State Rep. NOW!


As a reminder, SF-109 our legislation to ban ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures’ here in Wyoming.

The danger here is that this bill could be amended to be almost worthless. This has certainly happened before.

So please email your State Representative TODAY!

Folks, this is happening very fast. The bill could get a vote yet today. Take action now!

For Wyoming,

Aaron Dorr
Policy Advisor
Wyoming Gun Owners