📢📢 Must Watch Video: WYGO’s Push to Ban Red Flags!

With the legislature about to convene for the 2024 legislative session, things are heating up here in Cheyenne.

And with Joe Biden already sending money to Wyoming in hopes the legislature will use that to pass ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures’ it’s never been more important that we ban these laws forever!

To find out how we can ban ‘Red Flag’ laws and to get critical information about the 2024 session as well as action steps you can take to help us, watch this video update!

As you just heard, Wyoming certainly has the right and the duty to ban ‘Red Flag’ laws. But if we don’t put teeth in the bill, it won’t do anything to protect gun owners!

Help us do that.

Please sign your petition in support of our legislation right away, so your State Senator and State Representative know what you expect of them!


After you sign your petition, you’ll be given the chance to make a donation to help us fight for you in 2024. Please be generous!


Our children and grandchildren are counting on us to stand up and hold the line for their freedoms! Stand with us now!

For Wyoming,

Aaron Dorr
Policy Advisor
Wyoming Gun Owners